Chapter 14- Our Day

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[Edited: 2/17/17]

Ally's POV

I glanced back at Carl as he walked up next to me from behind. His eyes squinted in the bright sun, but once he got to me, he simply continued walking. Maybe he was just worried about his dad.. Then again, he could just be in a hurry to get away from there.

"Are you okay?" I asked calmly, catching up at his side. His eyes filled with rage for a single moment before he turned and looked at me. The rim of his hat caused a shadow to form around his eyes, making them dark. It was hard to focus.

"Are you okay?" he asked back without showing any emotion. I frowned, slapping myself in the face telepathically. 

"Carl, this isn't about me anymore.." I looked down at my wrist for a split second, quick to look away again. "I made my choice."

He quickly caught a glimpse down at my hands and than back up at my eyes, not holding his glance for very long. "We should go check on my dad. Maybe his lazy ass finally woke up." His voice still had anger in it. I mentally scolded him for being immature, but of course no difference occurred. His feet began moving again and this time, his speed increased. I tried to stop him.

"Carl, slow down... Please," I muttered as his speed picked up once more. He slowly began to slow down when he realized that I was practically begging him and I sprinted up to his side, touching his shoulder for a slight second to let him know that I had caught up.

It made me mad that he was acting the way he is. One minute he's fine. The next minute he's not. He's like a teenage girl on her period. Any smart person knows never to mess with them.

"I miss Beth," I stated lowly, breaking the awkward silence between us as we carried on. My fingers toyed with the jean material on my skirt. "She was my best friend."

Carl turned his head to look at me for a moment until I finally got the message. My heart rate slowed. Why does he even care anymore? If he really wanted to be called my 'best friend' again, than he would start acting like it.

"I'm sorry.. I can't handle the silence. I'm not use to it." I kicked at each pebble we passed. He finally opened his mouth to answer, but hesitated as if fumbling to find the right words. The sun beamed down on us both, causing a thread of sweat to trail down my back.

"I miss her too. I miss Emma more than a lot of things," he murmured. My heart dropped as I dreaded hearing this. I clenched my jaw and relaxed once more.

"Why do you miss her?" I asked in a simple way, hiding what I truly felt about their old relationship. God, I hate her. I hate her more than I hated Merle when he was being an ass to me. 

Carl looked down at his feet, sighing. "She always understood me. Never argued with me the way we did, never lied to me, never hurt her beautiful self-"

"Stop!" I spat at him, cutting him off before he could torture me any longer. He shut up instantly, jumping a bit at the loud tone. My anger wasn't letting up. We both stopped dead in our tracks with him giving me a look of surprise.

"Goddammit, stop! I didn't want to, okay?! Ever since we kissed, I haven't been thinking straight!" I blurted out and jumped in front of him, stopping him from continuing to walk all together before he could even try.

He frowned at this and slowly opened his mouth to speak. This time I could tell that he knew exactly what to say. "So you're blaming this on me then? We only kissed once, Ally. If it was really that bad, you should have just said something." He kept his voice at a normal tone, though his blue eyes stopped glistening in the darkness of the shadows.

Lost - c.gOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora