Hearts and Halos // Chapter Five

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// Johnny's Point Of View //

I follow behind Ponyboy slowly and quietly as we walk back to his house. I wanted to be seen by him, to be heard by him.

It was against the rules but honestly I wouldn't mind breaking them. Ponyboy means a lot to me and it's sad to think that when I died, he got depressed because of me, it's my fault.

We arrived at his house and he opens the door slowly, me slipping in before he shut the door, it creaking. I knew he was gonna be in trouble now because of how late it was.

"Where have you been? Do you know what time it is," Darry screams while standing up from his chair.

Ponyboy rolls his eyes and I hear him think: 'Not' this again...'

"Darry I'm okay. I just. . . I just went to the lot to watch the stars," Ponyboy says with a shrug.

Ponyboy shrunk slightly and looked at Darry. Darry uncrosses his arms and places his hands on his hips, tapping his foot.

"Ponyboy I don't believe you. . . This is the fifth time this week you've been out so late. What's going on with you," Darry asks, his voice softening.

"Nothing is going on with me. I'm okay," Ponyboy says.

"Ponyboy don't lie. . . This is about Johnny isn't it," Darry asks.

"D-don't say his n-name," Ponyboy says quietly, his voice cracking.

"Ponyboy. . . We've lost him too so don't go on your pity trip," Darry says.

"Pity trip! Pity trip! Dammit Darry! I lost my best friend and it was all my fault! I lost the person I loved most and it was my fault! Don't you dare tell me I'm on a pity trip," Ponyboy screams out.

"Don't use that tone with me! Go to your room," Darry yells pointing down the hall.

Ponyboy rolls his eyes and stomped down to his and Soda's room, me following close behind, slamming the door behind us both.

Ponyboy starts breathing heavily and pacing around him room as I watch, not able to do anything about it. He reaches his hands up and grips his hair tightly.

He then collapses to the floor and curls into a ball, sobs racking his body. My heart breaks once more seeing him like this.

Ponyboy continued to shake and sob and I start to wonder where the hell Soda was even at. He wasn't in the room so he must be out with Steve.

Then and there I completely lose it and start mentally yelling at people and yelling about how much I wanted to be alive again. Ponboy needs my help but I can't do that if he can't see me.

My vision goes blurry and I start swaying side to side. I fall to the floor and hit my head on it, wincing quietly.

"Be careful what you wish for. . ."

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐒. ( 𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘺 )Where stories live. Discover now