archie andrews

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I was enjoying a nice study evening with Archie but I think I was the only one studying. I shoved the book closer to him so many he would pay attention to the book and not me. He's failing math and I'm trying to help him.

"So basically you have to use the Pythagorean theorem in this part-" I continued as Archie just sat there staring at me.

"Archie?" I asked cocking my eyebrow looking at him in the corner of my eye.

"Huh yeah what?" He said shaking his head breaking his trance.

"You're not paying attention to this" I replied resting my head in my hands.

"I can't help it y/n, you're just so- wow" he smirked at me.

"Why are you so obvious to everyone that you have a crush on me?" I chuckled dropping my pen on the book.

"I don't really mind letting the world know how beautiful you are to me" he said with loving eyes.

I patted his head and continued to read through his math book. Hoping he'd come to his senses and actually pay attention. He still continued to look at me so I took his pen and drew a line on his nose.

"Hey!" He shouted angrily trying to wipe off the pen with spit and his fingers.

"Pay attention you goon!" I said jumping up and walking over to get something to eat from the fridge.

I pulled out two yogurts tossing one of them to him. I grabbed spoons and walked back over to the stools. I took a big bite of the yogurt licking the spoon while Archie was devouring his pretty much in one bite.

"Hey y/n you got some yogurt on your cheek" he laughed turning my face as I looked at him confused.

He took his thumb surprisingly wiping the corner of my mouth and suddenly pressing his lips on mine. I flinched but soon fell into the kiss. It got heated as his hands dropped to my waist sliding up my sides and I had to pry myself away from his red swollen lips.

"Sweet" he chuckled smirking at me.

I smacked his shoulder and blushed madly as I stared down at the paper. He chuckled and pushed back his hair. I turned around and kissed his lips once again.

"Dummy" I chuckled lightly.

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