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You know how I said I was falling asleep last night? Well I didn't, I ended up lying awake most of the night. I was thinking about me and Archie and all the shit we had been through. I was also thinking about how I left Reggie there. I hadn't registered until now that Reggie looked hurt when I ran out of the auditorium. I was suppose to start fresh with him and turn my life around. He was there when I needed him and I abandoned him. With him I stopped thinking about the one thing that I kept towards the back of my mind; wondering if I was good enough for Archie. I ran away from the opportunity to be, happy? I felt happy with Archie, I did but why was I always second guessing myself when it came to him. Am I good enough? Or is it me that deserves better? Or are we perfect for each other? What's going to happen if this continues?

I stared up at the ceiling though I wasn't able to see it, it was too dark and the curtains covering the windows didn't help.

I felt bad for leaving Reggie. He didn't deserve anything that I did to him. I didn't want to hurt him but I ended up doing it anyways. After all the guilt was done eating me alive I started thinking about how sketchy of a situation this is. Archie has no idea where we're going. For all I know we could end up dead and buried in the middle of the forest.

I hardened against Archie's chest. He'd been stirring in his sleep for sometime like something was bothering him too. Maybe we were thinking about the same thing. We might have made a really big mistake. I sure as hell did. My dad probably hates my guts. Reggie probably wants to skin me alive. The number that use to threaten me all the time is still a mystery to me. I want to know who it is, but at the same time I'm afraid of who it might be.

Before I could think of a hundred more reasons why my life was a mess right now my phone began to vibrate against the nightstand's empty surface. I turned over to the nightstand and picked it up slowly. Now my heart was beginning to beat faster, was it the number? I clicked my phone on again and it was Reggie calling me.

I turned my head towards Archie whose face was barely visible in the pitch black room, thanks to my phone's screen, and blinked at him. Should I text him or answer. That would just overwhelm me with more guilt but, I at least need to see how he's doing right?

I accepted the call and put the phone next to my ear and waited for him to talk. But all I heard was Reggie breathing on the other end of the phone.

"I don't know why I called." Reggie's hoarse voice finally came through.

Then more silence.

"I guess I wanted to see if you'd answer." He added.

I didn't speak.

"Jug, I know you haven't been gone long but I- I miss you." Reggie's voice cracked with grief.

The silence was the worst part. The silence broke my heart more than his words. He wanted to stay on the phone with me but he had nothing to say, that's exactly what the silence meant.

So we just laid on the phone in silence and I stayed on the phone with him til morning. Throughout the night he'd sigh into the phone. It sounded almost like frustration. Why wouldn't he be frustrated with me, I practically used him. But eventually he fell asleep though. His faint snores occasionally broke the empty silence.

I had literally stayed up on the phone with him for five hours but was immediately forced to end it when Archie began to shift positions in his sleep which made me fear that he'd wake at any moment. God I missed Reggie. I actually did. I don't understand why, I have all I every wanted right beside me.

Without knowing Archie had woke up and without warning wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips into my shoulder blade. I could feel his lips curve into a smile. I laid stiff in his arms, still thinking about Reggie.

"Good morning." Archie hummed happily against my skin sending shock waves of static througout my body. I didn't answer him back which is probably why his lips moved to my neck. He kissed my neck aggressively causing me to position my head on the pillow better so he had more skin to kiss.

"I knew you were awake." Archie smirked against the back of my neck. He pulled away though and the warmth of his breathe was gone but his lips reconnected with my shoulder blade. His hands started down my arm slowly until it reached my hand. The way he lightly touched me was enough to set fireworks off in my stomach. He laced our fingers together and rubbed his thumb against my pinky.

"Jug, you're so hot without your hat on." He playfully bit my skin right after. It did bring a smile to my face after all I've been thinking about. I still was helplessly in love with Arch. The love bites continued for a bit longer. He had definitely made some on my shoulder.

His lips became absent again when he got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand again and texted Reggie; asking him if he was okay.

He didn't respond but it was probably because he was tired from being up all night. I couldn't blame him, I was getting tired myself.

The shower from inside the bathroom turned on and a naked Archie stumbled out of the bathroom awkwardly.

"Do you want to uh-" he began his eyes shifted to the ground like he always does when he's nervous. I propped myself up on my elbows and waited for him to finish what he was saying. I knew where he was going with it but I'd like to hear it from him myself.
"Would you like to take a shower with me?" Archie three his hand to the back of his neck and rubbed at his skin in embarrassment; I could tell because his cheeks were beginning to turn red. But what he didn't realize was he was flexing his bicep which almost made me start drowling.

"Why?" I challenged.

"Save this motel some water, I think they need it."

Archie's answer actually had a valid point. I was hoping for a different answer like 'because I want to get down and dirty again.' But his answer works too.

I smiled and rolled my eyes at him as I got up from the bed. I gracefully made my way towards the bathroom door but Archie grabbed my wrist which stopped me in my tracks. His eyes beamed at my lips so I leaned in and gave him a quick peck but I guess that wasn't good enough for him. His hand still had my wrist in a tight grip. I leaned in again but this time I let the kiss linger for a few more seconds longer.

I was going go pull away but Archie's tongue immediately stopped me from doing so. He let go of my wrist and flung this hand into my hair. I sneakily gripped Archie's left bicep. Why do muscles turn me on so much?

"Jug you look so hot with bedhead." Archie breathed in between each kiss.

"Mhhhh." I said before being cut off by another kiss.
"You just killed the mood with your lame sex talk." I quipped causing me to fully pull away this time.

"I can change your mind in the shower." He coolly answered and drug me into the bathroom with him.

Wow finally this chapter is done. I had a lot of writer's block while trying to make this chapter. But I'm back.

Warm Waters [Jughead x Archie] Vol 2Where stories live. Discover now