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Before this chapter starts I like to say in advance that I'm so sorry for the slow updates. I've been stressing over a lot of things lately and I'm currently trying to write a whole book for my friend at the moment. Things are staring to get chaotic again because school starts in three more weeks, but thanks for sticking with me.
(Don't start the music yet)

After me and Archie fooled around in this hotel for the last time we decided that once we found a cafe that we'd sit down and eat. We didnt really think this whole plan through. We hadn't taken very much food for the trip.

We were settled in the car again. Archie was driving and I had my head against the glass window. I was watching the trees go zipping by. I didn't know why it was so fascinating to me but I just loved. What I loved most about today was that it was rainy and I just liked the rain for odd reasons. It felt cool against my skin, but most importantly just the thought that it might be the same water that evaporated from the lake that got me into this mess interested me. The way it rolled down the windshield like it was normal rain, but to me it was special because it all happened thanks to it. Weird right?

I loved sitting in the sand, reading my books as I listened to the waves crash upon the shore. And have the glistening water catch my eyes a few times. That lake had a lot of good memories. But even more so bad ones. Either way I'd forever hold that beach special to my heart. It had stopped me from doing so many things in the past.

I had went there the first time with my dad after my sister and mother's funeral. The water was like a distraction in a way. There was also that one time someone pushed me to the edge at school my junior year. I was so sure that I was going to end it there but for some reason the water had stopped me from doing harm to myself. I had gone there a couple of times after that. It felt like an escape for some reason? And it always brought memories back of my mom and sister, but they were good memories. And instead of it upsetting me, it made me feel, greatful almost.

But with the hardships came good ones. Like how I got to reconnect with Archie again. Without that lake being there I wouldn't be here right now.

(Cue the music above)
Archie clicked on a song which snapped me back to reality. It was a soothing song, a song I could most definitely relate to.

"What's this called." I said as I glanced his way.

We met eyes for a few seconds before he had to direct his eyes back to the road. His heart melting smile grew on his face as he stared out into the rainy day.
"It's called, Falling In Love At a Coffee Shop."

"Hmm, I like it." I chimed while I turned my focus back to the water covered asphalt, but I didn't tune out the song.

"It made me think of you." Archie aimlessly spoke. His eyes didn't leave the road as I looked over at him.

I blinked at him a few times and figured he was going to turn his attention towards me because he was driving so I laid my head against the cold glass window again. Instead of my eyes being glued outside I had shut them since the next verse has began.

No one understands me quite like you do
Through all the shadowy corners of me
I just never knew what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much...
All of the while, I never knew
I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much...
all of the while, I never knew

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you
Yes there's a chance that I have fallen quite hard for you
I've seen the waters that make your eyes shine
Now I'm shining too
Because, oh, because
I've fallen quite hard over you
If I didn't know you I'd rather not know
If I couldn't have you I'd rather be alone

Was the last thing I heard before the lack of sleep got to me and I fell asleep.

Archie's POV

Jug had fallen asleep at the best part. It was on the part where it says

All of the while
All of the while
It was you.

And that's what I wanted to tell him. Maybe this song had special meaning to me because the song explains us so much. The chorus and the verses were amazing. Maybe Jughead didn't think so and that's why he had fallen asleep in the middle of it. I was a music freak and maybe that's why he couldn't relate.

We'd been driving for sometime now and after last night, and this morning I was feeling extra tired today. If we don't make it to a town or anything in at least two hours I was going to pull off the side of the road and take a nap.

But of course out of everything that could of happened we simultaneously got a flat tire so I was forced to pull of to the side of the road, but what we also didn't care to bring was a spare tire.

I clicked my phone on to see if I had service and I had none and there was no one in sight.

Sorry the the lame short update that took so long for me to post I literally took all of last night to finish it so I'm tired and going to go to bed now but if you want to know the title and arist of the song I have linked above it is Falling In Love At a Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg. And again I love you and thanks for your patients.

Warm Waters [Jughead x Archie] Vol 2Where stories live. Discover now