Love hurts

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      It is a cold yet beautiful day when Jungkook went to school. Last night he slept peacefully for the first time when it was raining with thunder. Although he couldn't see it for himself but those amongst him noticed he was more brighter than his usual serious self. For those who know him well or even those who spent classes with him everyday knows that Jungkook works hard and participates to get his grade But he never was determined or excited to learn like Jimin.

  If the teacher has written notes on the board  Jungkook writes it almost at the last minute. If the teachers sometimes decides to call on Jungkook to answer the question he would suck his teeth and glare at the teacher before answering, And if he raises his hand but the teacher doesn't call on him , he would stand up and leave the classroom. Today however he was quite a bit opposite, He had more patience than usual and he would write without hesitation, and he didn't show bad attitude neither. Most thought he was just happy for once and others suspected he was forced by his parents to participate. It was hard to tell because he never smiled. If you really want to know he was just distracted by his own thoughts so much that he hardly knew what was going around him neitherless what he was writing down.

~*~*~*~*xX Jungkook Xx~~*~*~**~*

I am walking through the halls to my next class not being able to recall what i did today. Books are on my hands and my bag is hanging on my arm. It is colder than usual on the hallways which makes me begin to get worried that it might be like this the whole day because i don't think i brought anything warm this morning since it wasn't that cold it was hot actually, Maybe i have a hoodie in the back of my car.

I always hated how the school's main color is bright baby blue because it always somehow made the halls brighter and it bothers my eyes, In which this situation is happening right now. I squint my eyes automatically as soon as they start to itch from the sun's brightness and i start to walk more slowly and careful. I can't see much but i can see someone familiar getting their stuff from the locker room and he looks like Jimin.

"Jimin..." I say before opening my eyes but when i do look more closely at the boy in front of me. it is someone else.

"huh?" He responds confused. "Nevermind." I say in order to get rid of him quicker without having to make the effort of explaining or apologizing saying 'Í've got the wrong person.'

Thinking for a second that this boy is Jimin only made me want to see him more even though i'm not that ready to see him. Come to think of it, i haven't seen him this morning( i got used to waking up really early in the morning to go to the school with Yoongi) so i don't even know if he's here today. My cheeks start to blush over the thought of me and Jimin last kind and sweet he was, how sleepy he looked and his nice aroma, how soft his arm felt when i grabbed him and what i love the most, how cute he is when i see him smile. I  wouldn't want to be the reason his smile fades. Outside where my mask remains i want to stay cold. I want to stay so cold until my heart becomes crystal, until i can't feel love for Jimin or for anybody. Why? because i don't want another shattered heart and i definitely don't want Jimin to represent another heartless villain i once loved. The first one i loved is like a veratrum flower. Beautiful on the outside and poisonous on the inside. All i want Jimin to present is that pretty sunflower i like so much. 

To me this journey to my next class that once was so short became longer as i continued to slow my pace almost literally dragging my body. I am so tired of this. Why am i doing this? Going to school i mean. To achieve my dreams? But who is it for though?, If i can't be what i want because i'm the son of Jeon a yeong ( Mom ) I reach the door to my class right as the bell starts to ring when i spot a familiar person on the left corner of my eye and my head immediately shoots to the left. Jimin! yes that's him for sure! But what do i do? I'm not ready to see him. Do i say hi? Do i thank him again? Do i apologize for wasting his time? What will you do Jungkook your time is running fast!

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