A trip pt.1

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Me and Taehyung part ways to our own individual classes. The conversation I just had with him did not feel too comfortable like I thought It would and he even wouldn't even tell me what had made him upset earlier like I asked him twice now. I really do hope he's alright, He's an important friend to me after all. I like how he's so happy contagious and now seeing him sad earlier did not seem like him at all. When I became close to step into my classroom I prayed that Jin would be here since I did not spot him earlier but he is not. His seat is empty again. Maybe he'll come late like he always does, and Jackson is not in the same year as we are so I probably won't see him until lunch. I take my usual seat almost close to the front board and I proudly take out my multiple papers of homework as a first thing to do before fishing out the rest of my school materials. My teacher for today is shuffling and organizing papers quietly as the class settles down to silence except for those who are too busy into their conversations to stop and listen when it is plain clear that he wants us to listen!

" Good morning students." The teachers speaks and some of us greet back as a reply. "Before starting the lesson I was asked to announce something carefully to all-yes all of the students here. I'm not repeating myself so I would fairly feel happy if none of you spoke during this announcement." The teacher says the last part glaring at the boys in the back who instantly halted their conversation making me smile in satisfactory. " So, the principle has paid for an awesome trip for you guys." The teachers said and I can already hear the satisfied replies from my peers going 'Yes!' and 'Uuu~' I didn't blame them I also feel excited to have a trip after such a long time! They are always so fun and I enjoy them because It allows me to travel where I haven't been to before! Jin also makes it fun. Last time we went to a farm the objective was to help with plants for a day but Jin found it boring so he started to do fun things, like jokes, ghost telling even though it was day, and even acted clumsy so I had a good time. Now we have another trip! Imagine how great it will be when now my new friends enter the picture? Taehyung, Jackson, Jin, Namjoon, and Jun-.....yeah..Jungkook.

" Listen up!" The teacher catches my attention. " This part here is important. This isn't a normal school trip understand? This is an overnight trip that allows you to explore a tiki island despite not going to hawaii understand? It will feel and look like one of the islands of hawaii and there's a beach and everything, we can have fun there during breaks!" ( A/N: The tiki thing and hawaii is made up btw, idk If its a real place or not) My peers begin to cheer loudly even I had my heart beating rapidly! An overnight trip?!

" We are staying there for three or four days is what I have been informed." My teacher continues despite being slightly frustrated at my peers. This whole trip thing seems exciting and interesting but I doubt my parents will let me go anyways...I want to see the tiki island! I wanna have fun at the beach and stay at a hotel with my friends! I find myself pouting at this but I will not give up on asking my parents for this fun and wonderful experience.


After three of my classes had ended and Jin finally appeared at the end of the third one, we both head down stairs towards lunch. I kept telling him about the trip and the extra details our teacher told us and how excited I felt for wanting to go but I feel as though I am talking to a wall since Jin only hums and nods his head quietly, and I did not miss that empty stare he has on right now, something is definitely upsetting him and he's going to tell me. As we sit at our usual table I didn't waste time and I jump straight to questions. " What's the matter child?"

" huh?" He replies seeming spaced out.

" I know something is Upsetting you, Please tell me so that I may help." I beg him with my eyes for him to tell me. Obviously I never feel as content when Jin is upset It does not help my own feelings either, Especially with this Jungkook and Hoseok thing going on.

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