nightdreamers • jun

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They wanted to escape reality and live in a fantasy world where they didn't have to worry about anything. They were so sick of their everyday lives and all of their problems. They didn't want to have to worry about their grades, money or even their health. Both of them suffered from mental illnesses and sometimes it all got too much. They just wanted to live in a perfect world.

But they both knew that it would never happen.

So instead of continuing to dream of that fantasy world, they found their escape from reality in the midst of the night.

Every night, Y/N would go out to the balcony of her family's apartment. She would lay a blanket on the floor, lean against the cold glass door and look up at the stars. Notebook in hand, Y/N would write down her thoughts and basically anything that came into her mind.

On the other side of the city, Jun would go to the roof of his apartment building every night. He created a little spot in the corner where he had a cozy blanket on the floor and a small radio beside it. He would lie down and gaze at the stars. The radio would be turned on to one specific station that played soft and mellow songs, he would always softly sing along. The boy let his mind run free and think of nothing in specific.

For these two people, it was their getaway from real life and a time to feel at peace.

During this time, they each liked to dream about things that may never happen to them. Like flying to some distant island in the middle of nowhere, or maybe living a carefree life.

Lots of ideas would also spark, but they would always keep these things to themselves. Their minds were so full of colour, but they didn't express any of it on the outside.

Every night they would gaze at the same stars and do the same thing. They would never know that there was someone on the other side of the city doing the exact same thing as them.


Recently, there has been a lot of construction going on in their neighbours. They would make so much noise and the air was so polluted.

Y/N finally had enough of it and closed her notebook, "I'm done."

She stood up, folded her blanket and stepped inside. She quietly walked to her bedroom and got into bed.

Sighing, she whispered to herself, "I guess I will have to go to sleep tonight with my head full of thoughts."


Jun closed his eyes, trying to block out the sound of the construction that was being done at the end of his street.

When he wasn't able to block out the noise, he shut of his radio and went back to his apartment.

Jun slipped into his bed and laid on his side. Staring at the plain wall, he thought, "I hate going to sleep when my mind is running with thoughts."


The next day, both of their schools handed out flyers to a sanctuary-like resort just outside of Seoul. It had a nice little waterfall in the back and had small, cozy rooms for their guests. It looked like the perfect place to get some rest and to heal yourself.

Placing the flyer in her notebook, Y/N decided to check out this place after school.

Jun pocketed the advertisement and made a mental note to check out the place later.


Immediately after school, the two of them both made reservations at the sanctuary for the weekend.

Smiles formed on their faces as they began to pack for their mini retreat. They were very happy to have time for themselves and to heal in a place that was specifically meant for it.


The two of them arrived at different times considering the fact that they lived in different places in the city.

Upon arriving they both took note of the space underneath the waterfall in the backyard.


Once night fell, they both quietly exited their rooms and walked to the back.

Jun's room was closer to the backyard so he arrived at the spot first. He placed his radio beside him and turned it on to his favourite station.

Quietly humming along, he watched the water fall and heard it crash against the rock.


Y/N walked up to the waterfall from behind but stopped when she heard music playing.

She quietly walked around it and saw a boy sitting in the spot that she was going to sit in.

The boy must have noticed her staring at his spot so he silently shifted over and created a space for her to sit down next to him.

Y/N nodded at him in thanks and took a seat next to him. She looked at the water falling and immediately relaxed, water always calmed her down.

She opened up her notebook and started writing whatever came into her mind.

The boy beside her seemed to just close his eyes and relax. Jun felt at peace as he listened to the radio and water fall. His thoughts were slowing down and he was able to address each thought.

Y/N continued to write in her book and clear her mind from all things.

The two strangers sat beside each other for most of the night, not saying a word, listening to the soft music coming out of the old radio, and the sound of water crashing against the rocks. 

They found comfort in each other's presence even though they have never met before. It was like they had a connection.


happy first day of JUNe !!

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