Episode 5 🖐🏻

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Someone from the restaurant comes close to you.

Waiter: excuse me miss but the restaurant is reserved today.

[y/n]: U-umm... I have this note.

You gave him the invitation and he smile a you.

Waiter: Come with me Miss. he's waiting for you.

[y/n]: H-he..?! I'm sorry but I'm here to eat with a group.

???: I'm the one who invited you here sweetie.

You looked at in the direction of the guy that was sitting there.

He turned around and it was the elevator guy. That guy that melt your lips.

You were shook.

[y/n]: Blue prince..?

???: So you remember me. He said with a smirk in his face.

[y/n]: How can I not remember the guy kissed me without even knowing each other.

You said as you walked towards him.

He stand up and pull the chair for you to sit. When you sit down he move your hair to the left and expose your neck. He gave you a kiss as he whispered in your hear.

???: Ready to have fun tonight?

You looked at him and smile.

[y/n]: After you present yourself and we have a wonderful dinner. I will think about it.

???: Wahhhh....your really know how to get me to like you more.

Both of you started laughing and started to have fun as the dinner when by.

[y/n]: Ok now baby boy. Present yourself to me.

???: I'm your blue prince. Jungkook for your service my lady.

Then he bowled and kissed your hand. You started to laugh because of his crazy act.

You stand up in front of him.

[y/n]: You really do know how to make a girl smile, blue prince.

Then you bowed like "princess do"

You guys enjoy every moment of the date. He dropped you off in front of your house. When you were about to open the door he grabbed your wrist, you turned your head to him.

He kissed you as he put one hand in your face.

You were enjoying the kiss. While you guys were kissing you open your eyes and saw taehyung standing in front of your door with flowers.

He was staring at you with a confused and sad face.

You pushed Jungkook away and got out of the car.

[y/n]: U-ummm... drive save.

Jungkook: see you tomorrow!

[y/n]: Bye! You said as you wave to him.

You looked at him going away. When you looked back taehyung wasn't there anymore.

You crossed the road and looked around. He left.

You felt guilty in some way.

You open the door and walked in. You push the door to close by itself but a hand got in between.

Taehyung: why do you make me feel jealous. He said as he open the door again for me to look at his face.

Taehyung: I was waiting for you honey. He said with a smirk in his face.

He rushed towards you and push you into the couch. Is like he knows your house.

[y/n]: taehyung! What do you think you are...

He kissed you to shut you.

You tried to push him away but he didn't let you.

Taehyung: why do you make feel hopeful when you're flirting with other guys...?!

*he gave you a dirty look*

[y/n]: T-taehyung....that kiss.

Taehyung: I'm not letting you sleep tonight baby girl. You're mine.

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