Chapter 1: Mum?

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So as I said in the description this is my first ever fanfiction so I'm sorry if you don't like it. (also that's your house. You can choose either one it doesn't matter)


(Six yrs old)

I was playing Wizard's Chess in our beautiful country home with Mum, and Dad should be coming home in bit. My Queen had just smashed one of Mum's Knights, Mum always said that I was good at chess and this made me happy because winning against adults was fun. I was just about to check Mum's King, when the oven beeped. I looked over to it and jumped up.

"Yes finally! Foooood!" I cheered.

"Alright, alright, let's go get that casserole out of the oven." she laughed, walking to the kitchen as I went to set the table.

As I was finishing I heard a loud bang at the door. Mum ran to look and told me to stay in the kitchen. I obeyed and sat behind the wall dividing the kitchen and front room, listening. There was a scream that came from Mum and I ran into the room she was in.

"Mom!" I cried after seeing her lying on the ground clutching her side. I looked down to see a huge gash by her ribs.

"Let this be a lesson to you, never stand against the Dark Lord. Ever!" a masked man threatened before leaving.

"What is he talking about?" I asked concern, fear, and anger painted on my face, not letting a single tear drop out of large (e/c) eyes.

"Please...(F/n)...I'm going to die soon...Our Gringotts key is in my nightstand drawer and do you remember how to get to Diagon Alley?" she questioned, and I nodded. "Good... and please, whatever happens...stay strong...for me..." were Mum's last words before fading away. Panic seeped within my every pore as I saw her lower her head into my lap.

"N-no...Please Mum. Let this be a dream...please..." I pleaded, tears finally starting to roll down my (s/c) face.

A few minutes had passed and I still sat next to Mum, more and more tears running down my face. I heard the door open and Dad stepped in.

"Honey I'm-" he started to say closing the door, but stopped when he saw me curled up next to Mum.

"Oh God (F/n)! What happened?!" Dad cried, throwing his stuff down and put Mum on his knees pushing me away.

"I-I don't know...someone was at the door... and when Mum went to see who it was she got s-shot with a spell in the side... and she died because of... all of the b-blood." I explained between sobs. Dad looked at me with a furious look in his eyes.

"So you didn't even try to save her?" he asked, his eyes filling to the brim with tears.

"I-I-I tried...but she-"

"SHUT UP!" Dad shouted, throwing me into the cabinet on the other side of the room.

"GET OUT OF HERE YOU USELESS GIRL!" he yelled once more. I flinched and ran upstairs to my room crying hard into my pillow.

The next day I was woken up by a loud banging at my bedroom door. I walked briskly to the door and opened it. It was Dad.

"Good morning Dad." I said quietly.

"From now on you are going to do all of the cooking and cleaning in this house you hear me?" (A/N: So I don't know about the rest of you but when I was six my parents started to have me to do the cooking and cleaning and whatnot so I'm sorry if this is a bit strange to you) he replied rather hostile. I nodded and quickly went to make breakfast. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I was greeted with a large washed out puddle of blood and when I looked to my right I saw Mum's body on the couch which made another tear fall out of my eye.


So that's it for now. Sorry about the sad start but you gotta develop a story somehow :/

I will try to update as quickly as I can and once again, since this is my first fanfiction I'm sorry if this story sucks.

Alright, goodbye everyone and have a nice rest of your day/night! :)


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