Chapter 6: Diagon Alley

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A/N: Hello everybody! Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT DEAD! First of all, let me say: Wow. YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT WE ALREADY HIT 1.4K VIEWS??? COMING INTO THIS STORY I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS GOING TO GET ANY TRACTION AT ALL! AND NOW TO SEE THAT WE HAVE 1.4K??? Thank you all so so much for investing in my story and overall enjoying it. That is mainly what I strive for when I write and now to see that people actually like my work??

 Ok...cooling down now lol. Anyways, I am so sorry that you guys had to wait so long for an update. A lot has been going on in school and with my personal life and I haven't really had the time to sit down and actually write this story. I'm sorry you guys had to wait so long, but trust me and make sure to keep an eye out because I've got a couple more chapters on the way to make it up to you guys! I hope this chapter and the ones to come will exceed your expectations!        


The trip to Diagon Alley went pretty smoothly. Various witches and wizards got on and off at different times and it wasn't any more than 20 minutes before we actually arrived.

"Alright kid, this is the Leaky Cauldron. This is the pub ya gots ta go through any time you want to gets yourself to Diagon Alley. Come on, I'll show ya." Stan hopped down from the bus and gestured for me to follow him. He lead me to the entrance of the pub and all the way through to the back. At first I thought he was crazy. In the alleyway there were only a couple of trash cans and a brick wall.

"Come on now don't give me that look. Just watch." Stan stepped forward to the brick wall and pulled out his wand.

"Alright, all ya gots to do is take your wand, once you have one, and tap these bricks in this order. If you can't remember, don't hesitate ta ask Tom. He's real nice and'll help ya however ya need." Stan tapped the brick wall in a sequence and then stood back. I was amazed to see the brick wall move from view to show not only just a couple shops, but an entire marketplace fit in what should have been only a small area. My mouth hung open. I was shocked at the bright colors, the strange clothes, and owls and bats flying about in broad daylight.

"Go on. Don' just stand there with ya gob open. Go get ya stuff. I already told Tom to let us know when yer done so we can be takin ya home. He's the barkeep. He'll take care of it. Ya want ta head to Gringotts first, it's that big white buildin' over there, and then I'm sure you can find your way around from there." Stan lightly pushed me into the opening to the marketplace and pointed to what I'm assuming is Gringotts. I turned and smiled to him.

"Thank you for taking time away to show me sir. I really appreciate it." I stuck out my hand for him to shake. Stan looked back at me, puzzled at first, but then a bright smile crossed his features as he leaned down to my height and shook my hand with a comforting squeeze.

"Aww thank ya kid. I don't get a whole lotta grateful people these days. You take care." Stan watched as I walked into Diagon Alley with a smile. Then turned on his heel and headed back out to the bus.

I did as Stan said and headed straight for Gringotts. I was nervous to say the least. From what my mother has told me Gringotts is run by goblins which are not the kind of creature to mess with. I entered through the large marble doors and gaped at just how large the lobby was. I shook my head to regain my composure and acknowledged the signs labelled "Withdrawal Line" and followed those. Upon reaching the teller, who sure enough was a goblin, I said to them meekly, "H-hello. My name is (y/n) (l/n), my mother is (m/n) (l/n). I am here to make a withdrawal." The teller looked down at me and eyed me suspiciously.

"Do you have your key?" they asked.

"Oh! Yes-here-here it is." I took the small key out of my pocket and showed it to the goblin. They seemed to accept my being there.

"Very well. Gledfix will lead you to your vault." The teller waved another goblin over whose shiny gold name badge in black bold letters read Gledfix.

"This way." they said, leading me off into a side corridor and down a flight of stairs. Once down the stairs Gledfix led me to a minecart that sat on some creaky looking tracks down into a dark abyss.

"U-um is this, safe?" I asked as I climbed into the minecart with Gledfix behind me. They just laughed.

"Of course! Merlin I love my job." Gledfix gave me a devilish smile as they pulled on a handle at the front of the cart. We moved slowly at first toward to unknown part of the track, but just before we moved into the darkness the minecart lurched forward faster than the Knight Bus. I yelped in surprise and Gledfix laughed again at my response.

It took all I had not to scream in fright. Luckily, the ride was over in minutes.

"Vault 212. Key please." Gledfix held out his hand for me to give the key to him, so I did. He lifted a small panel in the vault door and unlocked it. Inside stood quite a substantial pile of silver, gold, and bronze coins that I recognized as wizard money. I can't quite remember which is which, but I forget that when I see a slip of paper with the coins' values and names on it. I slip the paper into my pocket and filled a small bag with the money I would need to buy my things and find a place to stay.

As soon as I'm finished I head back out of the vault to where Gledfix was standing. They closed the vault behind me and locked the door shut. This time on the ride back I felt a little more used to the speed of the minecart, but the precarious twists and turns did make my stomach a bit queasy.

Finally my trip to Gringotts was finished and I bid farewell to Gledfix and thanked them for their help. They just waved back and grinned their mischievous grin.

I exited Gringotts and squinted in the bright light. Next I headed over to the closest shop: the cauldron shop.

Surprisingly, it was a quick in-and-out process despite the many customers bustling about in the shop. After wandering aimlessly to find it with my new cauldron in hand, I found my way to Flourish and Blotts, the book shop. The inside of this particular shop was beautiful with its dark wood shelves, brightly colored, books and not a spot of dust anywhere. I was looking around for "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" when I accidentally bumped into a red haired boy.


A/N: YES! I did it! I'm so sorry once again that it took so long for an update. Remember, I have more chapters coming out soon! Have a good rest of your day/night! And if you have school tomorrow, GO TO BED! Trust me, being tired and cranky in the morning is NOT WORTH IT! Love y'all!


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