Chapter 4: Hogwarts

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  A few years have passed since everything turned upside down. I ended up naming the kitten (c/n) after (c/g) kept coming around and we got closer and closer. It was the summer before my 11th birthday and a lot of magical incidents have occurred since then that have gotten me into quite a bit of trouble. 

There was one time when dad was threatening me with a baseball bat, but once he got too close a force field appeared and pushed him out the front door (locking it at the same time). He decided it would be better to beat me with his fists after that.

There was another time when our neighbor's dogs had gotten out and started to attack (C/n). However, just before the dogs could do any fatal damage I rushed toward the group and the dogs immediately flew backward into one of our rose bushes. The neighbor gave my father a very angry speech about how "little girls should not be throwing dogs in rose bushes" and that we must pay the bills for their treatment and food for an entire month. Dad was absolutely furious and seeing as neither of us had no way of earning income, I had to resort to selling most of the various fruits and vegetables that I had been growing ever since before Mum...
Anyway, most of our food was gone and it took us a very long while to get back into getting enough food for the both of us after the month was over.

Right about now I was tidying up the house, and trying not to get into trouble. (C/n) was sitting on one of the chairs in the dining room, watching. However, a few minutes later a large barn owl started tapping on the kitchen window. I jumped back, but after hesitating a bit I let the owl inside. I remember owls always coming by the house to bring letters, packages, or even the wizard newspaper, The Daily Prophet when mum was alive. I took the letter from the owls beak and glanced it. The address in green ink read:

Ms. (F). (L/n)

The Second Bedroom

Little House

The Country

My hands began to shake. 'Me? It's addressed to...ME?' I thought. I quickly turned the letter over and saw the unforgettable emblem of Hogwarts. The school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. By this time, (C/n) had jumped onto my shoulder to see what I was looking at. I carefully opened the letter, afraid that this was all too good to be true and that this was some sort of cruel dream. I finally opened the envelope and unfolded the heavy parchment inside.

(A/N: I actually made a bunch of Hogwarts letters for my friends and some of my teachers last year so here's a picture of one of them.)

(I'm gonna add it later because I completely forgot about this 😂)

Tears of joy started to well up in my eyes as I read the letter over and over again. (C/n) seemed to feel my joy because (c/g) started to purr loudly. This was finally our chance to get away from this wretched place. I gave the owl a piece of bread before I ran to my room and took out a piece of paper to write my response.

Dear Professor,

Thank you very much for the acceptance into your school and I will surely be attending.


(F/n) (L/n)

I folded up the paper and gave it to the owl who flew away with a small nod. Next, I separated all of the things I was going to take with me to Hogwarts. All of my clothes and things should easily fit into my case seeing as I don't own very much. It kind of frightened me that I would have to tell dad about Hogwarts. And I couldn't just leave or else I would come back home to a brutal beating.

A couple hours later, dad came home and I nervously gave him his already prepared meal. After he was finished I decided to tell him because he was usually in his best mood after dinner and before alcohol.

"Um Dad?" I spoke anxiously. He just grunted in response.

"I-I got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts, the wiza-wizarding school it umm al-alright if I go...?" I asked timidly. Dad, who was watching television, grunted once more. I'm not sure if he was really listening, but seeing as today was July 25th I should let him know.

"I will be leaving tomorrow to get my supplies a-and then next month for school." I continued. Dad faced me and frowned.

"If you are not back by the end of the school year you are dead. Finished. You hear me?" he growled.

"Y-yes." I stuttered. Even though dad's threat was intimidating, I was still more than happy to finally leave this place for an entire school year. Running quietly back to my room, I picked up (C/n) and gave (c/g) a strong hug. (C/n) purred in response. This is when I thought of how I was going to get to Diagon Alley to get my equipment. I opened one of the floorboards and took out my most prized possession: my mother's wand. I went to bed that night with my mum's wand in hand. 'I'm finally leaving' was the last thought that went through my head before I happily drifted off to sleep.

A/n: So that's another chapter! I still hope I'm not too bad at writing, but whatever. I can always try. Have a nice day/night everyone! See ya next time!

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