Chapter 3

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Her images are not going out of my mind, No matter what, I keep on thinking about her, Jess is just so pretty.

Oh my God, Niall you have a total crush on her, Looks like I fell hard for her even though when we met she was the one who had fell.

I realize I almost reached my flat, its only been like 10 minutes but I already miss her,

you barely know her, How'd you miss her?My subconscious speaks, I just move that 'comment' away and get out of my car realizing that I have already reached my flat.

I open my back seat door and take out the grocery bags, leaving the junk food in my car for eating later.

I take out my iPhone and message Jess.

To Jess:
My address is building hearthwart apartment number 4, see you tomorrow gorgeous at 5.

I send the message when I realize that I wrote 'gorgeous' , I know that she's the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in my life. But she might think I'm a creepy dude. What if she doesn't like me?

I leave the thought to think for later and open my flat's door.

Why is it so dark in here?

I walk to the Kitchen, turn on the lights and keep the groceries in their places.

Where is everyone?

I can't hear any voices or any sound at all its kinda creepy..

First I check Zayn and Liam's room, No one's there. Then I look in Louis and Harry's room, And no such luck...I just go to my room to find a note on my bed, scribbled in a mess.

Ey Ni,
The lads and I were really hungry and you were pretty late so we just decided to go grab something to eat, I KNOW YOU FORGOT MY COFFEE '-'


The fact that Harry was actually right about me not bringing the coffee made me laugh, I guess I just forgot.Hmm so they went to eat something, I'm hungry too I haven't eaten anything except breakfast (Which was burned because Louis is NOT a good cook) and a cup of lattè.

I decide to join the lads, so I call them and ask them where they are at.

"Hey man," Zayn says as he picks up his phone.

"Hey Zayn, Mind telling me where ya'll at?"I ask.

"Oh so you're finally back, Well we're at Nandos" He replies.

"YOU WENT TO NANDOS WITHOUT ME?!"I shout at him, how did they go without me? They know how much I love food and they Absolutely remember how much I love Nandos.

"Sorry man, We did wait but you were late and we all were starving, Why don't you just join us all really quick?"He offered.

"Yeah, I'm on my way,"I say as I go outside back to my car and to Nandos.I end the call by simply saying bye. I don't have to be mad at them I was kinda late but it's only 4:30 right now so maybe I'm not that late.


"I seriously can't believe you guys left me,"I say as I take a seat next to Liam.

"Come'on, you know you were late"Louis pouts.

"Yeah, I guess,"I say as I order my Regular.

"What took you so long anyway?"Liam questions.

"Well," I begin "I found Jess"

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