Prologue-Descending Darkness

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Prologue-Descending Darkness

The sound of rain droplets hitting against the window cell filled his ear's with a hollow sound.

He waited by the hard brick wall of the large "Celium Clock Tower", where he waited for someone to arrive. It may have been night, but the torches and lantern's that were spread out on the streets had destroyed his ability to blend in. However, it didn't matter to him. Because after he received the information he was waiting for, he'd head back to HQ to go over his plan's.

Of course, these plan's had to have an inside man-an accomplice how would get paid to do his job, until he had outlived his usefulness. Phantom had done this may times before, and each time, his plan's had succeeded. That was because he made sure his objective's were full-proof. Phantom spent days at a time, no, hours to make sure his plan had no flaws.

Finally, his plan was in motion. It had been from the start when he first formed his organization-the "Order of The Sword", to achieve his goal. Underneath his white mask, Phantom's lips pursed into a smile.

Yes, after so many long years, I can...

His thoughts were disrupted when he heard a sound of glass crunching beneath someone's footsteps. His smiled quickly faded, and he prepared himself for whomever was coming toward him. Then out of the shadows appeared a woman. Her hair was short and tied in a bun. The color of it was a smoky purple, it was quite unusual for someone so far up north to have such color of hair, but he didn't care.

Phantom waited patiently for her to get closer, so their deal could begin. Once she did closer, his ice blue eyes peered into her hazel one's.

"...You're late, Rinko."

He growled slightly, but to his surprise, the woman-Rinko simply stood there with a blank expression. It seemed that she was unaffected by his cold glare. Perhaps she's more useful than I thought, he thought while being impressed by her ability.

"Sorry, it was a little hard trying to get away from summits with the letters."

Her monotone voice filled his ear's while he watched her fumbling through her coat pockets. After waiting a few second's, she handed him a neatly folded letter. He took it from her hand, and then placed in his pouch, where he kept all of the important documents he got from his 'informant's', who were inside the Noble Senate Council, the Council of Decree, and the Royal Government that served the King's. Most of these were level S documents, meaning no one but the King's were allowed to see them.

But the document he received was only level B clearance, only military escorts could see this. Phantom realized this, and he knew immediately what the document contained.

"...These document's are the real deal, right?"

He questioned her, although he knew Rinko had never let him down, no matter how difficult the job was-she had always pulled through. But still, he had to make sure these document's weren't fake.

"Don't worry; I made sure they were real. After all-Staff Sargent Marie gave me the clearance to access them."

She wasn't lying, at least, as far as he could tell anyway. Although he didn't know Rinko personally, he knew about her past because of Yoko's information digging. Rinko was a military spy for awhile, she captured and secured document's that held information, but after three months, she deserted and became an informant for local street thugs. Now, Phantom hired her to acquire information on a meeting that the King's are going to.

Now that he got the document, which held the information, there was no need for her. However, if he paid her for the right price, she wouldn't say anything to anyone. Maybe he could pay her to keep quiet...

Black & White: EclipseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin