Chapter 7-The Breaking Point

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Chapter 7—The Breaking Point

"Get your tickets now! The good seats are goin' fast!"

The voices of the crowd overlapped each other, becoming one as they waited impatiently for the day's main event; the duel between Kira and Kaname. The stands of eight rows which possessed twelve seats per row, in total, that's ninety-six seats that surrounded the arena. In the middle of the arena were the two swordsmen themselves. They stood face to face, both of them hadn't moved a muscle. They were waiting for the duel to begin.

The atmosphere that surrounded them was heavy and intense as the two continued to glare at one another. But regardless of how much they hated or how much they wanted to slash each other, they still had to obey the rules which were in place, so they ignored the killing intent that welled up in their hearts, and continued to wait for the match to big.

Hikari gazed down at them, her heart was filled with concern and worry for her partner. Although she was also calling him an "idiot" deep within her heart. Not only did Kira challenge Kaname, but he also agreed to a First-Strike match. She didn't understand the specifics of the duel itself, but she knew exactly what the term "First-strike" meant; to draw the first drop of blood.

Naturally, after being injured, he or she would begin attacking their opponent, regardless if they were injured. That was why the referee was there to make sure nothing happened after someone won. But that wasn't her main concern, the real reason she was afraid was because of who Kira was fighting against—Kaname, his rival. It was no secret that the two never got along, but ever since she got to know her partner, he bore a grudge against the dark-haired young man. She didn't know why, though. However, she soon discovered that Kaname mocked her during the Tournament of the Seven Suns last year, and as a result, Kira hit him.

Though Hikari doubted that it was the reason for them to be fighting against one another right now, especially with the disease going around, and the mysterious S class criminal known as Phantom who now  stalked this very academy. She couldn't help but to think these events were... connected. Though she needed proof to confirm her suspicions, however, and proof was rather scarce.

She shook her head to erase those thoughts when she saw the referee coming up to them, but was greatly surprised to see who it was. Instead of a male, it was a woman. She wore a purple-based uniform, her brown hair was neatly tied in a ponytail. And when Hikari saw  the woman's face, she knew who it was—it was Kira's former mentor and senior, Lena Sorella.

She now stood between them, thus earning her their full attention as she spoke in a loud, stern voice.

"...The duel will be a first-strike match. If either of the fighting swordsmen get once during the fight, the duel is over. Is that understood Kaname-san, Kira-kun?"

The two stood there, glaring at each other as they both simultaneously said "yes" in low voices. The referee backed up and raised his hand, this time her words were directed to the crowd.

"The match will begin in three seconds!"

At the same time, both of the boys had drew weapons from their sheaths. The sharp chime echoed throughout the arena, causing a few students to cover their ears. In her mind, she began to count the seconds in her head.



At the last second, Lena had swung her hand down, shouting the one word that will start it all.


Following those words, Kaname, the person she at least expected to charge forward, raised his sword and prepared to attack her partner. As for Kira, he stood there holding his sword while his rival swung from his right flank, hoping to catch him off balance. Hikari's eyes widened in fear, he didn't move to dodge the attack; she had seen this tactic before.

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