Chapter 6-The Boiling Point

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Chapter 6—The Boiling Point

It was Saturday, Three-thirty in the afternoon.

The sound of the clock clicked, once, twice, then three times in the room, then it repeated this process over and over again.

Letting out a sigh, Hikari then proceeded to take a deep breath for her next action.

"Kiiiirrrrraaaaa, I'm booooored!"

Kira, several feet away on the sofa to the right of her was sitting in it's middle, reading a book. Glancing up from his reading material, he took in Hikari's position in the room. She was atop of the loveseat against the right wall of the living room, but it seemed that she couldn't even bother to sit normally. The blonde haired girl was upside down on her back with the upper half of her body draping over the edge, her arms dragging on the ground.

Frowning, Kira turned back to his book and suggested something to her.

"......Well, I'm busy reading right now. Why don't go you see Sari and Sai are home? Or go to Lena-senpai's room since she's been wanting to see you for awhile."

Turning to look at her partner, who was engrossed back into his book, Hikari frowned as well.

"Sari and Sai went somewhere, I don't even know. And Lena-senpai wanted to go to hot springs to soak for awhile, and I don't feel like doing that."

She paused for a moment after her explaination, she took a moment to roll over to get a better view at Kira. Then came her next words which were muffled by virtue of being face down on the floor.

"What are reading right now, anyway?"

The slight rustle of a page being flipped was heard.

"A mystery novel. Its about a number of mysterious and gruesome murders, and the watch can't stop the killer. The protagonist has to find out and stop the killer, before he or she strikes against."

Kira explained somewhat absently as he continued reading.


Came the next complaint from Hikari. The only reply she recieved was a hum of dismissal. With a long sigh, she pushed herself up off the floor to a standing position. Not bothering to look up from his book, Kira heard the sounds of Hikari wandering off elsewhere within the dorm.

Not paying much attention to what else was going on around her, he continued to read for the next while. It wasn't long after though he found his reading interrupted once again.

"Guess who?"

Came the cheerful prompt as a pair of hands came across his eyes from behind over the back of the sofa, blocking his view of the pages.

Pursing his lips, he gave a scow of annoyance, then for a moment he said nothing. After a brief pause, he growled out his answer.

"Hikari, I am not in the mood."

"That's correct!"

A split second after the return of his sight, Kira found his book quickly plucked from his grasp.

"Hikari, give that back!"

He demanded angrily, he reached out with right hand to try and take it from her, only to have her step out of arms reach. Lowering the hand with the book down to her hip, she brought the other hand to her chin playfully, gazing at him with a mischievous gaze which she never shone anyone before. She began tapping her chin as she gave a face of consideration.

"Hmm... nope."

Hikari cheerfully chirped once again. He frowned and demanded once again. And of course, it wasn't going to be easy. Now twisted around to face her, a bit of a dangerous tone Hikari was quite familiar with began to leak into Kira's voice.

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