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The cheers of kids filled the air as they got all the candy they wanted from trick or treating the streets were filled with decorations and the light of Jack o Lanterns as the kids ran across the pavement in the cold night in their costumes.

"What are you up to Andie?" Jimmy asked over the phone.

"Not much just handing candy to trick or treaters."

"Are you in coustmue?"

"Nope my parents are, but I just want to watch tv right now anyway what are you doing?"

"I'm just finishing packing a few things I'm going on a trip with my family so I can't really go trick or treating."

"That explains why you said no when I asked you."

"Yeah anyway I had a great costume that I can't wear now."

"Really what is it?'

"Zim from Invader Zim it was perfect I even got a cute little G.I.R costume for Luna."

"That would have been great to see except for the fact that Zim does not match your personality at all."

"I know and the show can be dark sometimes, but it's a good show so I don't really think it matters plus it would have been just for one night."

"Ok I see where your going but you could have gone with Dib." A doorbell was then heard over the phone.

"I'll talk to you later Jimmy trick or treaters won't stop coming."

"Alright bye."

"Bye." Andie then hung up and Jimmy put his phone down and started to put the final few things he needed into his luggage.

The breeze flew into his room cooling the inside of the room taking all the heat from the room.


The kids and there parents went around the street the kids getting all the candy they desired and some teenagers playing pranks on other people's houses, but then the sky without warning suddenly darkened more then it was before as dark clouds formed in the sky and a strong wind suddenly burst from the sky.

Everyone looked up as a witch's hat appeared from behind the clouds then a face covered in darkness showed it self. The only feature that people were able to make out of its face was its glowing white eyes.

"Hello mortals of this puny planet I am the Dark Mage of Simdisa the Doom Bringer if you will and I am here to make the lives of you all miserable!" The mage said as it put one of its hands onto a cloud.

"You see I have the wand of Eternal Dilim a wand so powerful in Simdisa that it had to be locked away in a Infinitely Expending Aura of light to keep it contained, but I have achieved breaking it free in my efforts and I have destroyed Simdisa by plummeting it into a black hole and now I'm here to bring pain to your world." The Mage said pulling his other hand up with the wand in hand it was not like a wand we would think of no it was a dark black with a purple crystal in the shape of a half moon on top.

The streets quickly filled with words as everyone started to discuss on how the end would come and the big kids got ready to try and put up a fight as the littler kids ran and hide.

"Fools no matter what you do whether it's hiding or fighting you can't save your selfs I am the most powerful thing there is in the entire cosmos now I am the ultimate god!" The Mage yelled down onto the surface of earth.

"Oh yeah how strong can you be!" A kid yelled up to him.

"You have no idea." The Mage said as he shot a beam of purple light at the kid that dared yell at him.

The little girl yelled in pain as the beam hit her she was going through a horrible change the skeleton costume she was wearing suddenly started to fuse with her body the black around it to make it look like the skeleton were walking in the night vanished as the little girl collapsed onto the ground as nothing more then a pile of bones.

"Now for the real fun to begin!" The Mage said as he shot a beam into the sky then the sun was seen as a giant glowing yellow ball in the night and it suddenly lost a bit of it's color as the beam hit.

"Now that the sun is frozen say goodbye to your friends and family." The Mage boomed as he shot a beam a person dressed as a ketchup bottle and the closest person near him was hit by the beam and soon everyone wearing costume was transformed to what they were dressed.

"Now that I have done that let the decorations and horrors rise from the lifeless forms they are to a living monster!" The Mage said as he shot a wave over the world all the decorations of the holiday got up and moved.

"This world shall be doing my bidding now welcome one and all to my world a world of no limits a world where I am supreme and anyone that thinks otherwise shall be killed where they stand!"

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