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A breeze swept through the night as Andie, Jimmy, and Luna walked down the quiet street back to the manhole so they can enter the sewer.

"What you did back there was stellar Andie." Jimmy said as they stopped at a Apple tree swaying in the night.

"I still can't believe I pulled that off." Andie said back to Jimmy as she sat down under the tree.

"Well you did and it was executed well." Jimmy said as he sat down next to her,

They watched the Moon glow in the sky as it sent Moonlight down to their planet.

"Brrr it's cold out here." Andie said as she turned to Jimmy.

"Yeah. Oh wait hold on!" Jimmy said as he started to take off his sweater.


"What your giving me your sweater no I can't just take it."

"It's ok I have more anyway." Jimmy said handing the sweater to Andie.

"Well if your fine with it." Andie said grabbing the sweater from Jimmy before putting it on her self.

"Oh and don't take the knife out of the pocket on my sweater we don't want you to kill anyone." Jimmy said as Luna started to climb the tree.

Andie chuckled a bit.

"Yeah your right." Andie said as she put her hands into the sweater's pocket.

Then a light flashed before Andie, Jimmy, and Luna's eyes and when they opened them again a purple portal was in front of them that was emitting a purple glow.

"What's going on?" Jimmy asked as he got up.

Then a hand came through the portal and grabbed Jimmy's arm and it then pulled him in making him drop his basket.


"Jimmy!" Andie said rushing into the portal leaving her basket behind and Luna out of being alone and away from her owner jumped off the tree and ran after Andie.

As soon as everyone went into the portal it closed and the purple light around it disappeared making the only light the Moon.

*Inside the Portal*

Jimmy, Andie, and Luna made it to a tall building on a small purple island floating above a void of purple with little crystals in it.

The top of the building had a depiction of the Mage and his body and he looked exactly like he did when he struck the Earth.

"Welcome to the Mages new dimension!" Said the figure that took Jimmy into the portal.

"Who are you?" Asked Andie the figure heard and turned around and it looke exactly like Jimmy except his eyes were all black except for a glowing red dot in each of them and he wore a black sweater instead of the light blue Jimmy wore.

"I am Shadow the Mages asstiant he made me so I can get any survivors that aren't Strikers over into this dimension where he will give them punishment." Shadow said as he started to walk toward the building.

"Why aren't Strikers brought here?" Andie asked staying were she stood.

"Because they serve the Mage he gives them things like food and water if they bring a survivor." Shadow said as he turned around watching Andie.

"Aren't you coming with your little cat?" Shadow asked Luna let out a hiss and Andie stayed still.

"I am not going with you because assuming you brought him you wanted me to and if I don't move from here I could avoid capture." Andie responded with.

"Look sweetie I know that survivors want to avoid capture and you think this will save your friend, but I have ways of getting you to move." Shadow said as he got closer to Andie.

"No there's not."

"Fine you asked for it." Shadow said as his eyes went fully black.

"Your coming with me!" Shadow yelled as a phantom hand launched from his mouth grabbing onto Andie then pulling her close to him.

"I told you." Shadow said his eyes returning back to the way they were with the red dots as he grabbed Andie with his other arm.

"Are you coming cat or do you want me to do it to you to?" Shadow asked as he stared down Luna.

Luna instantly ran toward him.

"Good now follow me cat." Shadow said as he walked back toward the building.

Once they arrived at the front Shadow spoke to them once more.

"I shall be taking you to the Mage and he shall decied your punishment for not obeying him." Shadow said as he pushed the door so they could get in.

The room that was in front of them looked like a normal room you would find as you entered a hotel and some ghouls and skeletons where in there watching TV or reading magazines.

Shadow took them to a elevator and he opend it he pushed Andie, and Jimmy inside and he went in and set the elevator to go to the top floor Luna then followed in before it closed.

"Why are you doing this?" Jimmy asked as Shadow grabbed Andie and him once more.

"Simple the Mage thinks of you as a problem so he wants me to take you to him so he can deal with you personally." Shadow said as the door opened.

The room they stopped on had a giant desk and was full of minoins for the Mage to use.

"Mage Shadow reporting." Shadow said bowing down.

A hand grabbed onto the desk and the Mage got up he was as big as the first time.

"Shadow how did the mission go?" The mage asked placing his wand on top of the desk.

"Ask the captivates yourself sir." Shadow said shoving Andie, and Jimmy in front of him then grabbing Luna before throwing her forward with them.

The Mages eyes opened wide with surprise at the fact that Shadow actually pulled through with his assignment.

"That will be all Shadow." The Mage said Shadow then left the room and the Mage looked at Andie, Jimmy, and Luna.

"Hello I'm the Mage you have been hearing about now you know that you shall be punished, but how will I do it." The Mage said grabbing his wand.

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