A New Life

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Three shadows ran in the night two of which were holding a basket ran toward the entrance that would lead them into the sewer the only safe place in the neighborhood for the unprotected.

After the Mages first attack that plummeted the world into darkness the mayor ordered a shelter to be built quick in the town she owned and the shelter that was built was large and also was underground.

She then rounded up everyone she considered to be important and took them into the shelter the only important people were either married or had scientific achievements marriage ment rebuilding the population and the people who had the achievements were taken so they could try and make a cure for everyone that was changed on the night the Mage struck.

One of the two figures holding a basket gave it to the one not holding one and they pushed hard on a cold stone wall in the sewer it turned.

All three of the figures rushed in and the figure with no basket pushed the wall back into place then the figure that was still holding there basket since they were outside put the basket on a table and turned on a lamp in the center of the room.

The light lit up the room and shined the light on Jimmy, Andie, and Luna.

"Ok so what do we have?" Andie asked Jimmy as he picked his basket back up and as Luna handed Andie back her basket.

"Rotten Apples what do you have?"

"Rotten Oranges, but on the bright side these aren't dripping the juice out of the peel this time I can make some juice with this."

"Good and we can eat these Apples."

"I still can't believe the last two weeks have been like this."

"Yeah all the food we had lost to werewolves and other monsters not to mention the fact that we have been living in fear and darkness."

"Yeah it's hard to think this is how our world is now not just here in this city or neighborhood but all over the world." Andie said as Luna came up to Jimmy and started clawing at his pants.

"Oh your hungry aren't you Luna well here you go grab one." Jimmy said putting the basket on the floor and as soon as he put it on the ground Luna tipped it over.

"Luna no!" Andie said as Jimmy and her watched the Apples roll onto the floor.

"Well there goes our food." Jimmy said as he turned to Andie.

"Yeah now we have to eat the Oranges and I know we would have both preferred it to be juice." Andie said as she looked into the basket of rotten Oranges.

Luna then let out a meow and both Jimmy and Andie turned around and they saw Luna had her two front paws on top of a ripe apple that was on top of the rotten apples on the floor.

"Luna you found a ripe Apple!" Andie said in excitement as she ran over and picked it up.

"Luna must have tipped the basket over because she found a ripe Apple and put it in the basket and now we have a few good Apple slices to eat good job Luna!" Jimmy said patting her on the head.

"I will cut this up right now so we can eat Jimmy make the juice."

"Alright Andie." Jimmy said grabbing the basket of Oranges from Andie and after a few minutes a dinner of fruits was put in front of Jimmy, Andie, and Luna.

They each had two slices of Apple and a small glass of Orange juice the best they could get.

They gleefully ate and then Jimmy's phone rang he answered.

"Hello Jimmy speaking."

"Hi Jimmy!"

"Jake! Hi how are you?"


"How is Rosy doing?"

"Great as well she's doing a exercise class right now, but I'll tell her you said hi."

"Alright still can't believe you and Rosy are married."

"It was the only way to get them to allow her into the shelter, but life has been great down here."

"I can tell I mean it is luxurious from what I heard and the fact you get to stay away from the trouble of the outside world is good to."

"Yeah, but it isn't as great without you." Andie then did a little fake cough Jimmy turned around and she pointed to his food.

"Oh right sorry Jake I have to go."

"Alright stay safe."

"I will bye."

"Bye." Jake then hung up.

"Sorry Andie it is just that he's my brother."

"I know it's fine, but you have to eat we don't want Strikers to steal our food I mean even if we are the most protected people down here thanks to being inside the walls doesn't mean they can't find us."

"I know." Jimmy said sitting back down on the cold hard ground.

They then heard footsteps outside of the wall and then a scream as the person who was chasing the poor person hiding in the sewers like Jimmy, Andie, and Luna handcuffed them.

"Where are you taking me!" The person said sobbing.

"To our hide out we should get something out of you whether it is you entertaining us in a fight or getting a reward from the Mage himself." The Striker said to the poor soul.

The sopping stoped they had a cloth put over their mouth as the Striker took them away.

"The fun Strikers get out of doing things like this to poor innocent people like us is sickening." Andie said finishing up her dinner.

"I know it's not right." Jimmy said back to her eating his last Apple slice.

Andie nodded her head in agreement as she walked to the corner of the room the corner where the small cabinet was the one with books in it.

She pulled out the book Stung by Bethany Wiggins and she opened up to where she left off.

The story remained Jimmy of the situation he and his friends where in a place where life is not the same and where they decided if you are important enough to live or not.

The time that used to be considered night went by and by the time Andie decided to stop reading for the day Jimmy and Luna where asleep Luna was on Jimmy's lap and Jimmy was asleep on his sweater not even caring he had no blanket.

Andie then grabbed ripped curtain she found outside and she turned off the lamp in the center of the room and she went to sleep.

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