Sollux Captor and TZ Pyrope

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"Hello?" a super tall boy towered over me looking at me to see if I was dead. He had a black hoodie on with a yellow Gemini symbol on it. He had weird 3D shades on and had black short hair with perfect bangs.

Suddenley another boy, a little shorter jumped from behind him.

"Yo? Is she dead?" this boy had normal short black hair. Kinda like mine except mine was a little longer and parted to the left with red dyed on my bangs. But his hair was perfect too. He wore a black hoodie with a teal Libra symbol on it. He wore red shades too... weirrrrd...

I sat there stupidly looking up at them.

"I don't know, TZ, why don't you athk her?" The Gemini symbol guy said. Wait... did he just... lisp?

TZ, I guess, gave him a "seriously?" look then looked back down at me.

"Hey you new here?" He asks helping me up.

I nod not saying anything.

"Oh well I'm TZ, and this is Sollux."


"You do have a lisp!" I accidentaly let my mouth get ahead of me. I mutter fuck under my breath.

TZ laughs then Sollux just smirks.

"Who are you?" Sollux ask me.

"I'm Karkat." I move a little bit away from them; something's not making me feel right...

"Cool nithe to meet you."

"Yeah!" TZ held out his hand for me to shake. I just stare at it...

The only person to ever greet me openly was Rose...

I was sitting alone on the swings, only five years old. My parents got into there very first fight and I ran away to the park crying and confused. A young blonde girl wearing a white tee and a white skirt approached a sniffling girl, aka me.

"Are you okay?" Her voice sonded cute and adorable.

I wipped my tears away so she wouldn't see them. I then i rose my heade to face her. "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" right after I said that a tear fell down my cheek, everso slowly, like it was afraid to fall from my cheek.

"Because of this-" She brings her hand to pick up the falling tear, then showed me it.

"I have alergies okay?!"

"I don't believe that." she stooped down and gave me a hug, patting my back too.

"Shhh... It'll all be okay..." she whispered quietly in my ear.

With that one action, I stuffed my face into her shoulder and began crying.

"Hey you okay?" TZ looked into my eyes with a worried look.

"Huh?" Fuck I've been daydreaming.

He chuckles and gives me a smile.

I shake his hand and also Sollux's.

"Hey, where are you going to thchool?" Sollux stuffs both hands awkwardly into both pockets of his gray skinny jeans.

"Why do you want to know?" I huff.

"Maybe because we might be going to the same school?" TZ looks at me like I did something stupid.

"Well maybe I don't want to know that I'm going to be in the same school as you guys." I turn away, my back facing them. Secretly deep down inside, I wanted to go to the same school. They seem pretty cool but i don't know... I normallly scare people away so...

I turn my head to face them both, seeing a smirk plastered across their faces.

"Fine then." They back away slowly.

I mutter a few cuss words under my breath. "I'm going to Skaia Highschool..."

I turn to face them both smirking.

"We'll see you Wednesday then." TZ gives me a wink then they both walk away.

I take a deep breathe in then sigh. How will I be able to survive this place with so much shit on my  plate?

I walk to the end of the park that reveals an enterance to a huge forest. I turn my head to check for people; no one here.

Absolutely perfect.

A rush of cool, maple scented, wind rushes through my hair as I slide down the little hill full of fall leaves which entered the isolated area.

I walk around, twisting and turning around the giant, white, fall trees that towered over me.

I felt free.


Something I haven't had in forever.

I twirled around then fell backwards landing on the crunchy leaves.

Staring at the sky, I slowly began to close my eyes...

Just a little nap that's all...


That's all I ever wanted.

I simply asked for one thing and they go and always fuck it up. This isn't a normal family, no. This is like both my parent's are Satan and they want to torture me to the fullest extent.

"Karkat!" My mother yelled in my ear.

I glance at the two humans who trapped me in a corner.

"listen to us when we're talking to you!" I could smell alcohol and ciggarettes in my father's breath. As well as my mother's.

I gag. Those smells combined make me sick, and they know it.

How sickening...

"What is it, Kitkat?" My father began. "Does this smell, bother you?" He certainly exaggerated that part, blowing more air into my face, pissing me off.

And they did this on purpose.

"Don't go blaming me for your stupid life problems that resolves you to smoke and drink." I plug my nose trying not to smell their nasty breath that they were purposly blowing into my face.

This remark earned me a slap to the face.

It hurt.

It stung.

I quickly brought my hand to my burning red cheek.

I shot my eyes back up at them, my eyes burning red with furry.


I shook back into reality, being scared shitless.

My eyes began to focus on the body towering over me.

What the fuck?!

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