Terezi Pyrope...

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A guy, pinning me to the floor!

His hand over my mouth while the other one was pinning my arms to the ground!

I struggled to get free.

What the fuck is with this guy?!?!

"Shhh!" he told me.

I still fought for my freedom.

I stopped and looked at him; Black hair with a purple streak in the middle, hipster glasses, a long sleeve black tee with a purple aquarius symbol on it.

Fucking hipsters...

He looked around in a panic... Which kinda worried me...

"Shit..." he muttered.

"Hey! Where the fuck are you, you dirty bastard?!" a voice come from outside the forest.

I acted fast.

Quickly, I bit his hand.


He yellped and drew both hands back.

After that, I screamed and pushed him off.

He then was laying on the fall leaves, holding his hand in pain.

I jumped ontop of him and punched his face, causing his glasses to fly off.

After that action, he uppercutted me off him, causing me to land hard on my back.

My eyes shut tight in pain. I could barley breathe.

Then the boy walked over to me and stared at me, a frown across his face as blood trickled down his face from the tip of his eyebrow. He then lifted up his foot and pushed onto my chest, making it harder to breathe.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps.

I looked up to see... TZ???

TZ ran and tackled the hipster boy, jumping ontop of him and beating the living shit out of him.

I sat up gasping for air.

After a couple minutes of him beating the shit out of the hipster, I got up and pulled him off him.

TZ looked at me worried, "You okay, bro?"

"Yeah. Let's get outta here." He then grabbed my hand and we dashed out of the dark forest.

-At the Park 11PM-

"What was that all about?!" I yelled looking at him.

"... It was nothing..." He looked off to the distance.

My fists clenched tighty.

Suddenly I realized it was dark outside.

"Shit... What time is it?!"

"Uh... 11. Why?"

"Fuck!" I looked around in a panic.

"Want me to walk you to your house?"

"Uhhhhh sure lets just go now!"


We then started walking in silence.

it was quite awkward.

We just had our hands stuffed in the pockets of our sweaters and occasionally we would glance up at eachother.

Then i noticed something strange... he was blushing... but that wasn't the weird part... he was blushing the color TEAL.





"So... why'd you move here?" He asked.

"Family shit." I shivered. Not 'cause of the cool air, but 'cause of the memories.

Soon we reached me new house.

"Isn't this where Nepeta lives???" He looked surprised, staring at the big house.

"Yeah. You know my sister?"

"Yeah, she's one of my older friends. She always told me she had a younger sister but I didn't know it was you."

"Oh," I stopped and looked at the floor, then back to him. "Thank you for walking me home! And also saving my ass..." I say with a faint smile.

"No problem," he returns the smile. "Oh! I almost forgot!" he turns and pulls my camera from his sweater pocket. "You left this at the park!"

I reach my hand out to take the camera. "Oh thanks, TZ!"

Before i could turn to knock on the door, Nepeta opens the door and stares at us.

"My Gog Karkitty! You nearly scared the living shit outta me!" She exlaims and pulls me into a hug. "What were you doing? Why were you gone for a long time?" Before she went on, she stopped and looked over at TZ. "OH.MY.GOG." she then pushed me to the side and grabbed him into a hug. "OMG, TEREZI PYROPE! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!!"

"Ter...ezi?" I looked confused. Then i saw his face and couldn't help but to laugh because it looked like he was being strangled.

"CAN'T. BREEAATHE." he struggled to get out.

"Oh hehe sorry!!!" she looked super happy.

I remember how I was happy to meet Rose...

She was my best friend, and since I had anger problems, she helped me calm down.

I then realized I missed half of their conversation just thinking about the past.

"So do you need a ride home, Terezi?" She asked with a smile.

"Uh no I'm fine." he flinched at being called Terezi.

That might be what TZ meant.


"No! Imma drop you whether you like it or not." With that said, she grabbed me then him and dragged us to the car.

Me and TZ sat in he back, while Nepeta sat in the front.

"So... Terezi Pyrope?" I asked, looking into his teal eyes.

"Yeah..." He blushed teal again.


I ignored the strange colors.

"I like it." I smiled.

He smiled back.

A really cute one.

I liked it.

The Life I Didn't GetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ