First Day. First Fight.

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The bus rushed up next to the my stop.

No one else was there, except the lonely me.

The doors flung open and I walked up the cramped steps and looked for a seat to find.

I walked past one girl with blue lipstick and eyeliner, long black hair, ripped jeans, and a shirt with a blue Scorpio symbol on it. She gave me this evil smirk, which I was a bit confused from. There was no one sitting next to her, but I didn't bother asking if I could sit there.

Ignoring her, I walked on.

Passing through half of the bus now, I realize most of these kids have symbols on their shirts... whether they be on hoodies, t-shirts, or tank tops.

I reach the back and I see Terezi and Sollux sitting next to eachother. They smile and scoot over so I could partially fit on the seat with them.

"Thanks..." I say quietly.

"No problem, bro." Sollux gives me a thumbs up.

I sigh looking at the roof as the bus jerked to move.

"The school isn't so bad trust me." Terezi said.

"Yeah right! Our thchool fucking thuckth!" this comment gave Sollux a good old punch in the arm from TZ.

"Shut up!" TZ whisper-shouted.

"Ouch..." Sollux began rubbing his arm.

"Yeah I'm probably gonna get made fun of or something. That's what happened in my old High School..." I muttered.

"Well trust me, that won't happen here."

I started thinking off and drifted slowly out of reality and into space ...


I woke up shivering and sniffling.

"Oh thank god you're alive!" I was greeted by my mother who gave me a warm hug.

I glanced over and see my father giving my mother and I a glare.

"We found you passed out in the snow, we were so worried!" she backed away a little. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

I could barely speak. My whole body felt like it was frozen and I could barely move.

"S-soup... b-blank-kets..." I managed to stutter out.

My mom jumped up and ran from my room into the living room to get me blankets and came back.

"Here you go." she layered me with blankets then ran to the kitchen to make me some soup.

My father sat and stared at me.

I got a little uncomfortable and moved myself a little, still holding our eye contact.

He walked forward.

I got scared.

The bus jerked as it stopped and it pulled me into reality.


Fuck my memories.

I stood up and walked off the bus then waited for Sollux and Terezi to hop off.

"Tho, what'th your firtht clath?" Sollux looked over at me.

"Oh uh, photography."

"You know where it is?" TZ turns to me.

"I'll figure it out. I should probably go there now."

"Okay thee ya." Sollux waves.

"See ya." Terezi gives me that cute smile.

Ugh I love that smile...

I smile back at them moving to go to my first class.

Photgraphy was rather nice, my teacher was really cool. The next three classes, English, Japanese, and History, dragged on slowly which sucked. But after all that it was time for lunch.


I walked over to the cafeteria standing in a line to get some pizza. As I stood there waiting I heard a faint snicker...

"What's with the 69 on her shirt? Psh" I turn to see the same girl who was on my bus laughing and pointing at me.

I face forward ignoring her as I grab my food and walk to an abandoned table.

On my way to the table the same bitch bumped into me and flipped up my tray, causing my food to fall all over me.

"Oops." she snickered.

I lost it. I spun around and faced her.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT IS UR PROBLEM?!" I stomped and screamed at her. The cafeteria went silent and all eyes were on us.

"What are you talking about? It was an accident. And for your information I'm Vriska."


"Yeah whatever." she flipped her hair and blew a bubble of the gum she was chewing.

"And it's not a 69..." I grumbled.

"Does it look like I actually care? Anyways stop talking and standing next to me, your ugly is going to rub off on me!"

"Uhm excuse me?!"

"What did I just say?" She glared at me. "Shut up!"

"Don't tell me TO SHUT UP!" I jumped ontop of her and started to punch her face.

At this point everyone in the cafeteria started to circle around us, including Sollux and TZ.

"GET OFF ME YOU BITCH!" She shoved me off and kicked me to the floor.

"I'M THE BITCH?!" I coughed and breathed hard.

"Karkat forget her!" TZ tries to scream at me, but I didn't listen.

I shakingly stand back up to face her and readied my fists.

"I'd punch you but that'd be animal abuse." She chuckled.

"Well you might want to charge me for animal abuse."

"Why?" She said then gasped as I jumped forward and punched her square in the face.

She lands on the floor screaming out as her eye starts to tear up. "YOU CUNT!" She jumps up and punches me in the stomach and uppercuts me. I gasp and struggle to breathe as I fall backwards on my back. I lift up my head and see her coming at me but I kick my leg up kicking her in the stomach pushing her back; I then slowly stand up breathing heavy.

Next thing I knew her eyes widen and she falls on the floor moaning in pain. But why? I didn't even hit her yet! Then I felt a big hand on my shoulder.

"Oh no..." I whispered under my breath.

"Oh yes." The principle says in a stern voice.

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