Part 15

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Cross POV.

"Brad! How are you" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Fine. How are you?" He sighed.

"Oh just peachy.. um" I payed looking up at Kate. She nodded. "What's new?"

"Well I just got out of a contract that I've been in for like two years now... but I had to pay then 5 thousand dollars"

"Damn that sucks" I grumbled and leaned back in my chair.

"How's your sister?"

"She's great, sitting right across from me"

"Tell her I said hi"

"Right... well I have been informed that you have something of mine" I rubbed my face.

"Who told you that? Because I don't think I have anything"

"I beg a differ" in the background I heard what sounded like glass smashing and Bradly cursed.

"I gotta go, can we talk later?" He asked.

"Fine.. I'll call you latter" I hung up and slammed the phone down on the table.

"Well?" Kate asks

"He says hi..."

"No, did he say any thing about Tori?" I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Why don't we just go visit him?" I groaned. L.A is sooo far.

"I need to think..." I rubbed my face.

"Aleight, I'll leave it to you.." she whispered and walked out, I folded my arms and put my head on them on top of my desk.

I sighed and started to think of a plan


"Max said he need our help back at the main building" jazz said, his eyes glued to his phone

"Who's Max?"

"The guy that cares for our weapons" jazz said slowly and looked uo at me with a 'really' look

"Oh.. alright." I mumbled and started the car up, pulling out of the ally. We were supposed to be metting someone. But after half an hour they still hasn't showed up... cunts....

My phone started running about a block away from the building. I picked it up and sighed.

"Cross Vannozzo speaking" I mumbled

"Cross! How are you?" My uncle bommed

"I'm fine uncle Jessie, how are you?" I rubbed my fa've at the red light.. I vs see the buidling I just wanna be out of this car.

"Oh I'm alright. Your cousin shot me in the foot yestersat" he chuckled

"Isn't he only like 8?" I asked as I pulled into the parking lot

'See you upstsirs' Jazz mouthed and i nodded at him. I got out of my car and leaned on the hood

"Yep! That kid is crazy" I could hear the joy in his voice.

My uncle use to help my father with the gabg before he had died. Once he was gone, my uncle jist left, not wanting to be in this kind of life anymore.

"When are you going to visit again?" He asked. I slowly made my way over to the building, strolling.

"I'm not sure yet uncle Jessie" I rubbed my face "I have a lot of work to do"

I looked up and there was s girl waiting for the elevator, w/o der what floor she's going to. I leaned on ths wall and waited as well.

As my uncle went on about his live and all the stuff going on where he loved, I caught myself watching the girl. He looked cheerful almost. Her hair was up in a high ponytail. Her eyes had eyeliner on, but that was all. No other makeup. Her had on a long sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. That was it. She has a backpack on. I bad to amit she was kinda cute. she started looking around the area... She knows here she is right?

I heard a ding and the elevator doors opened I let her go in first, I watched closely as she pushed the 8th button. I leaned on the wall and crossed my arm over my chest, the other wss still holding the phone to my ear.

"You should find Your selfs lady" Uncle said, that caught my attention. I chuckled and shook my head

"I don't think so Uncle jessie" I said anf the door binged again, opening. This was where I had to get off and so was she.

Again I let her get off first and I went the oppisit way from her. But I was keeping an eye on here. She pulled out her keys and that's ehrn I knew something was up. She looked over her shoulder and we made eye contact i sae her squriming so She quickly pushed the key in the lock of thd door and I started to make my way over.

"I gotta go, call you later.." I said hanging up the phone

"Mom, Dad! I'm her-" she dropped her keys and her eyes went wide. That's the room Jazz is in. I wonder what they need from me.

"Uh... I must be in the wrong roo-" she started but wss cut off by Jazz

"Get her" suddenly she screamed and turned on ber heel right into my chest, I grabbed her shoulder to stop her from falling and she looks dio at me with wife tarrifide eyes. I saw cross come up and he quickly pushed a needle into her arm. Slowly she slumped in my arms anf I sat her down against the wall.

"Who's the chick?" He asked I shrugged and started down at her. Her lips were slightly parted, her eyes were gently shut. Not a hint of fear across her face anymore. Her long hair was flung over her shoulder and some of it was in her face, dispute it being in a ponytail.

"Well... Get someone to take her to medical... then I want you taking to get to dind out where she's from" I said and went into the room of guns and ammunition.

I watched Jazz go over to someone and tell him what I just tolx him. I looked over alk the stuff and pretended to ve looking at a simple ammunition rack as a guy picked her up, not carefully at all. He looked up and caught my gaze, I threw him a hard flare, As if I was telling him careful

God this day just got interesting

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