Part 17

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So guys... I just realized I don't think I ever gave Tori a last name? Or did I and I just fucking stupid?? If I did what was it 😂😂

Cross POV

"What a surprise! Today is just full of them" Bradly mumbled as he stepped away from the door so me and Kate could go in.

"You seem happy" Kate chirped as I looked around the front entrance area. No trace of her yet.

"Yeah whatever, woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he sighed and rubbed his face. "I'm in the middle of cooking dinner"

"Isn't there someone to cook for you?" I question.. normally he always has someone working for him.

"Yeah... I fired her?" He mumbled, it being more of a question then a statement.

"I'm going to my room" I said quietly, he just grunted and Kate followed him to the kitchen. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my suit case, heading upstairs.

I walked into a room and threw my stuff on the floor, then collapsed on the bed with a groan.

"Excuse me.. I need to clean this room" I heard a female voice. I lifted my head and looked over my shoulder, not bothering to get up.

"Then clean" I said. She nodded her hair and started to sweep. Bradly can't take care of this house by himself, so he hires maids. 3 for each floor. It's a four floor building. Which I don't understand why.

I shifted my body and faced the girl as she cleaned. She was wearing tights and a light blue t-shirt.

She picked up my stuff and placed it on a chair then swiped where they were laying.

After a while I shut my eyes and got comfy. Maybe I should ask her about Tori.

"Hey lady" I mumbled. I heard her take an intake of breath.

"Yes?" She said

"Is Tori still here?" I asked, but I didn't bother open my eyes.

"Um... I.." I slowly opened one eyes to look at her. She looked nervous.

"You can tell me"

"She um.. she disappeared last night... I haven't seen her all day" I quickly sat up and walked over to her. She looked more and more panicked with every step I took.

"So she was here!" I smiled widely as she nodded her head. I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her forehead. She immediately started to blush as I passed to head out the door.

I was suddenly filled with energy. I marched down stairs to the kitchen and I grinned as Kate and Bradly looked up at me.

"What's up?" Bradly asked and placed some plates down.

"Oh you know.. just found out Tori has gone missing... again" I said and looked at Kate.

"What? But we just found her.!" Kate gasped and I shrugged I looked up at Bradly to see he was glaring at the counter top while gripping the sides of the counter.

"When did you get her?" I asked.

"How do you know her?" He asked and leaned across the counter behind him.

"I'm asking the questions brad.." I sighed. "WhT did you do with her?"

He went quiet and pulled of the food from the stove and put it on the plate.

"Bradly I swear to god..."

"I didn't hurt her!" He snapped. "I made her work at a club."

"Doing what?" I asked forcefully... most of the clouds brad owns are sex clubs or kink clubs.

"It was a bar.. she was a waiter. Cross, I had no idea she was with you guys.. if I knew I would've.."

"Shut it.. I have people to contact about her disappearance." And I left, heading back to my room to call all the people back at home.


"Why don't you come downstairs for a snack?" Kate asked and hugged me from behind. I was sitting in at a desk and starring blankly at the computer in front of me. Her arms dropped down my chest.

I sighed and shut my eyes. "What if she's dead, she'll never see her parents.. her end goal" I mumbled, mostly to myself. I heard Kate sigh.

Kate let me go and sat on the bed.

"How long are we staying here?" She asked. I shrugged

"A few days in case she shows up back here.. ." I mumbled and rubbed my face.

I dont even know why im so conserved about this girl. Normally I wouldn't be this possessive over a girl. Not since i was like 12... hardly then even.

I sighed. "I'm gonna call Conner, get out" I said slowly. I didn't say it with a mean tone, I just said it.

"Right well... good luck i guess" I heard her get up and the door opening, the slowly shutting.

I didn't really have to call Conner. I just wanted some time by myself. I looked at the clock to the left and it was around 2 in the morning.


Tori Pov

I had some change, I could call Kate. But I haven't seen a single payphone in the past hour. I dont even know where I am. I mean, I know what street that the main building is on because God, it use to be my parents old house.

Man i miss them.. I want to go home, home to see Anthony, home to see my couch and my bed. I sighed and sat down in an ally, just inside.

I say ei th my knees pulled to my chest and my forehead resting on them.

"Don't worry tori... you'll find a way home." I still had money on me so i could easily get a cab or something. But again.. I haven't seen one.

Slowly I stood up but only to be grabbed and pushed more in the ally, I looked up at a guy with a blue beanie on and a black bandana covering his face.

His hand wrapped around my throat and he pushed me against the brick wall. His other hanx slowly crept under my shirt.

I couldn't breath, I couldn't fight back. He spotted the plastic bag my our feet.

"Hey baby.. are you a runaway? We can give you a place to live, eat and sleep" he said into my neck. I shivered in disgust.

I shook my head and he groaned deeply.. gross...

All of a sudden he was ripped from me, making me fall. I gasped and realize he had gotten my pants unzipped and down passed my hips.

I looked up at my hero yhat saved me, I had no clue who he wss but he knew me 


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