Tag 3-Questions

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I was taggedish by allthedadjokes7, thank you. OK, I'm just going to delve right in!

Team Cap or Team Iron Man?
Don't kill me....but I haven't seen either. *Preparing for hateful comments.*

Cheesecake or chocolate?
Cheesecake....though I love chocolate.........but, yeah, cheesecake.....or I KNOW! CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE!

Favourite female superhero?
I really don't know that many, but I guess, Wonder Woman.

Favourite female villian?
The Seelie Queen. She's so amazing. (I know technically she isn't a villain, and that she's more of a mean faerie, but she's awesomely malicious.)

Favourite male superhero?
Batman. (I have like three Batman T-shirts.)

Favourite male villian?
The Master. (This one is technically no longer male, but still.)

DC or Marvel?

Favourite ships?
There are so many. Umm...Phan, Malec, Septiplier, Kitty, Sebaciel, Victuri, and so many more.

Favourite genre of books?

Favourite book right now?
Any of the books in the Shadowhunter Chronicles.

Favourite movie genre?
I don't know, comedy.

Favourite movie right now?
Emo The Musical or Suckerpunch. They are both amazing.

Any sports you're in?
I am not a very sporty person, but I used to do gymnastics if that counts.

Favourite sport?
Ultimate frisbee. ^-^

Hair colour?

Any beliefs?
I believe that after death you cease to exist and that eventually when everything is dead and gone, technically everything you ever did never happened and therefore life is meaningless. *Spirals into an existential crisis.*

Is your hair dyed?
No, but If my parents would let me, I would totally dye it like red or blue or something.

Who is your favourite author?
Cassandra Clare by far. She is so wonderful!

Do write/read smut?
I don't write it, but I do read it sometimes, though I much prefer fluffy stuff.

Favourite music video?
Holding On To You by Twenty One Pilots. It's fabulous. Either that or The Crush Song by Issa Twaimz.

I invite anyone reading this to do it. You don't have to though. It's really up to you ^-^

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