Tag 5-Questions

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So, I got tagged-ish again by allthedadjokes7. Arigato.

1. Full name?
-Bilbo Baggins.
2. Current crush?
-Your Mum.
3. Addiction?
-I am severely addicted to gay ships.
4. How tall am I?
-Short. Let's just leave it at that.
5. Relationship status?
-Mentally dating many fictional and famous people.
6. People I trust?
-Nobody completely, but I guess, my friends.
7. Current mood?
8. Favourite colour?
-Black (like my soul.)
9. Confession:
-I am pretty certain that I have insomnia, but I don't want to tell my family because I know they'll say I'm just overreacting.
10. Who I miss?
-The sexy end screen dance (and draw Phil naked.) (People who don't watch Dan and Phil's videos are going to be so confused by this answer ^-^.)
11. Who I last hugged?
-My Mother. I'm a Mama's person, don't judge me.
12. Who understands me?
-Nobody will ever understand me! (Accompanied with dramatic arm gestures.)
13. Someone who is always there for me:
-My Mum, I guess.
14. Last text?
15. What pissed me off lately?
16. Who makes me laugh the most?
17. Who I do the craziest stuff with?
-My sisters.
18. Who makes me smile?
-Dan and Phil.
19. What am I listening to?
-My little sister's incessant yapping.
20. Turn ons/offs?
Turn ons:
-Dead babies...
...I wonder if anybody actually believed that.
Turn offs:
-Sexist and/or racist bigots.
21. Best friends?
-My best friend is a girl named Rosie who doesn't have Wattpad.
22. Second confession?
-I once stole a Tim-Tam from our fridge and then said that our cat ate it. Nobody believed me.
(If anybody reading this hasn't had a Tim-Tam before, you haven't lived.)
(Also, they were born in the same country as me!)
23. What I hate?
...just kidding, I love all you darlings!
24. Who's annoying?
-My siblings.

If there is anyone reading this who is particularly enthusiastic about tags or just plain bored, I tag you, Pikachu.

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