Tag 4-13 Facts

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I was just tagged by prinxiety1234, thanks by the way. So, thirteen facts about me....

1. I am a born and bred Australian.

2. I like potatoes cooked any way, (mashed, baked, fried et cetera), except I don't like sweet potato.

3. I love coffee!

4. My favourite YouTubers are Dan, Phil, Jack, Mark, Mimei and Duncan.

5.  My top three favourite bands are Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots and Fall Out Boy. (Though I do like My Chem and The Brobecks and stuff)

6. I'm the only person with my name in my town.

7. I am particularly terrible at sport.

8. I love English.

9. I am a crazy shipper that will ship you with someone as soon as I meet you.

10. I come from a school that has a pretty high suicide rate for such a small place.

11. I have really creepy hands. (Long and bony and quite webbed for some reason.)

12. I am a huge supporter of the LGBT(QIA+) community and consider myself a panromantic greysexual gender-blind.

13. I am extremely similar to my Mother. (Personality and look wise.)

So, tagging:


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