Time Turns Into Lies

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I'm starting to doubt every aspect of you and I.
I think I now believe whole heartedly that everything about us has always been a lie.
I've said it before.
But this time I mean it.
It's hard to deny a truth when you're eyes have seen it.
We're trying to survive something that we both deny.
We used to be beautiful.
We shined so bright.
When things started getting ugly,
We slowly started burning out our light.
It's getting harder to find you behind the mask you've made to look just like your past.
We tore each other open in ways that can't be stitched together with thread.
Now everything that made us last for so long is almost dead.
My head is screaming "Save yourself!"
My heart is crying "Don't let go."
I'm constantly battling the pros and cons of living in this hell.
I've spent too many hours talking myself through tears.
Walking around in circles thinking over all the years.
Maybe it's my own fault for thinking that I could ever fall for love and stay down.
I should have known that girls like me aren't supposed to hit the ground.
Maybe it's your fault for believing that we could last.
You wanted it so badly until you realized what you had.
Now my doubt is turning in to facts.
We changed each other for the worst without ever looking back.
I won't pin it all on you.
But the end of us is something that you should've seen coming through.
As the smoke fills my lungs for the last time,
I think I finally know in what remains of my heart and my fragile mind,
that everything about us has always been a lie.

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