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16 is too young to die.

I hadn't see the world yet.

Their was so much I hadn't done yet.

Yet I was on the side of the road dying.

I'm not sure how I got there, but sure enough that is where I took my final breath.

Then I was looking at myself.

But not in a mirror.

Like an out of body experience.

It was dark, but I could still see my face. My clothes were covered in blood.

What happened to me?

"Hello?" A voice called out.

I turned around to see a man walking towards me.

Not my body, me.

"Uh hello?"

"Welcome to the afterlife Cecilia Montgomery"

I didn't remember my name.

It was weird hearing it again.

"Uh thank you? Only how did I get here?" I asked.

"Well you died."

"Yeah I kinda figured."

"Well I'll spare you the details, let's go." He replied pulling me away from my dead body.

We walked some ways until we got to a diner.

"Okay so I'm dead, so now we're grabbing a bite to eat?"

The man ignored my comment and walked into the diner.

I followed after him.

The diner only had a few people inside and we took the end booth.

"So is this heaven?" I asked hoping I was good enough to make it there.

"No your still on earth."

"Okay so am a ghost."

"Nope your an angel, a guardian angel."

"For who?"

"Well he hasn't been born yet."

"Tell me about him."

"I don't anything about him." He admitted.

"Well then tell me about me" I persisted.

"I can only tell you your name and age. You're 16, and you were born on July 11, 1954."

"Fine tell me about you?"

"There is not much to tell, you can call me angel, I'll be 41 this April-"

"41? You don't look a day over 25!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, well dead people don't age."

"Oh crap, you mean I'm going to be 16 forever?"

"Well when the person you are guarding dies you pick up where you leave off, growing up wise." Angel explained.

"Well you me-"

"No you can not kill off, the kid your guarding."

"Dang it"

Angel looked at the watch.

"Oh the kids about be born, and you need to change. I'm not sure blood is the best first impression."

He pulled a backpack out from under that had an extra clothes.

Ripped up jeans

A green flannel

A cream sweater

Black combat boots

The same thing I was wearing, minus the bloodstains.

"I hope you like it, your gonna be wearing it as long as your guarding"

"We need to hurry" he continued.

He snapped his fingers and just like that I was in the hospital room of River Jude Bottom.

The first couple years, not much guarding went on.

I would shake a rattle and sing to him.

I was just me and him.

Rain was born too.

"You know meat comes from animals"

That made 2 year River cry.

The family became vegans.

We moved to Texas from Oregon. That's when Rain was born. November 21st, 1972.

Being a guardian angel for a kid who was doing just fine was amazing.

But sometimes things can't stay happy forever......

Chapter one is done!
I'm not too sure on how I'm going to approach the next chapter.

Angel// river pheonixWhere stories live. Discover now