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Today is supposed be the day I watch River film Explorers but just my luck I'm at angel court for a crime I didn't even know was a crime.

"With all do respect your honor, I wasn't given specifics on how to guard."

"Do you know you that you risked your chance of ever getting into heaven?" The Judge asked sternly.

"Maybe I don't want heaven." I murmured.

"What did you say Miss Montgomery?"

"I don't want heaven! I wanna stay on earth and help kids out!" I shouted.

"You aren't supposed HELP kids by letting them see you."

"Look I understand that now, but River, Rain, Joaquin, Liberty, and Summer need me more than ever! They are going into show business.

"What kind of name is...." someone in the jury whispers."

"Please don't make me leave them behind. Not yet."

The judge is quiet to himself.

"You can go back to them, but when the oldest turns 21. All the kids will forget about you. And you will be eligible for wings when the youngest turns 18."


It was THIS or never seeing them again.

Filming for Explorers was fun for River. He became good friends with Ethan Hawke, they even had a sleep over.

I mean Ethan did break his arm but hey, it was still fun.

The movie was really good to, River played a genius who built a spaceship for him and his friends.

Adventure Movies have always been my favorite.

I think.

When River got home from filming one day, I gather the kids to talk.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" Rain asked.

"Well I kinda, sorta messed up real bad."

"What did you do?" Joaquin asked.

"Well you know, it's not my fault really I just-"

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" They all shouted in unison.

"I wasn't supposed to let you guys see me." I admitted.

They all looked at me confused.

"I was supposed to guard from afar, but now you guys are kinda like my friends, but know you kinda seem crazy an-" I rambled on.

They sat there trying to process this.

"Now what's gonna happen?" River asked.

"Well when you turn 21, you will all forget about me."

They all looked disappointed.

"But on the bright side, I'm pretty much off the hook so I can meet other people."

They looked happier.

Just don't talk so much about around your parents, I think they are getting worried. And I'll still be around, you guys just won't see me."

*ring ring*

The kids went out towards the living room.

Arlyn got to the phone before the kids could.

"Mmhm, yes this is she. He did? Thank you."

She looked excited.

"River you got a call back for that Rob Reiner film!" Arlyn exclaimed.

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