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Iris Burton was the gateway into show business.

The family moved once again to California.

River and his siblings got a couple roles in commercials, but River's acting really took off when he played Guthrie in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 1982.

This was about the time I decided to let the other kids see me, SO River wouldn't feel crazy.

Him and Joaquin were in an ABC after school special about dyslexia. Which we later found out River had it.

Rain, Liberty, and Summer had guest starring roles in Seven Brides for seven brothers and I couldn't be more proud.

I was their biggest fan.

John and Arlyn started to become concerned about River and Rain still having "imaginary" friends so wasn't sure what to do.

"Okay Rain, you are gonna do a rad job!"

"Thanks Cecilia!" Her lack of front teeth, made it hard to the "Ilia" part.

John and Arlyn looked worried.

Later that night I heard them   talk about me. Or the idea of me.

"I think it's weird that River and Rain still imagine Cecila" Arlyn said worriedly while the kids were asleep.

I was still awake.

Angels don't have bedtimes.

"Cecelia." John corrected.

"Excuse me?"

"Her name is Cecilia"

"UGH not you too?" Arlyn groaned.

"No not me too. It's just I don't think you should worry." John kissed Arlyn on the cheek.

"Yeah listen to John!" I said a little too loudly for someone no one could hear.

The next morning we went to film a role for River in the TV show It's your move.

While a lot of people on set were distracted by the lights or camera's, a familiar face caught my eye.


I made it so no one could see me, then ran after him.

I tapped on his shoulder.

He was surprised to see me, or that he could see me.

"Long time no see Angel"

"How is guarding the kid going."

"Well "kids" now, they are great." I explained.

"How's life treating you- I mean- I guess this isn't really life- how are you?" I stammer.

"I'm doing great, I almost got my wings!"

"No way! Well I gotta get back to the kids, help with lines and such." I bid my goodbye.

"Wait help?" Angel asked.

"You know, read over lines with, practice-"

"You talk to them?"

"Well yeah, the parents are-"


"What? I-"

"How long as this been going on?"

I count on my fingers.

"How long ago did I die?"

"UGH" he puts his face in his hands.

"What's wrong with them seeing me?" I ask defensively.

"You're supposed to guard from afar."

"You did not make that clear."

"They are going to be dependent on you,people won't understand. Why they see you." He groaned.

"Cece?" I heard a small voice.

"See what I mean?" Angel commented.

"Cecelia? Where are you?" I another voice cried out.

"I gotta go, duty calls" I called out trying to get out my situation.

"Hey we need to figure this out!" Angel's voice strained while I walked away.

I got to the kids who were relieved to see me.

"Hey where'd you go?" Joaquin asked.

"I just started wandering" I lied.

"Well momma's talking to a director, they want River to be a TV movie!" Joaquin told me.

"no way, that's great!"

Fame can be hard!

These kids need me more than ever!

Imma change the chapter names because they are lowkey confusing lol
That's all folks

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