22: Golden Boy

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Desperate poundings on the door startled Jungkook, causing him to wobble on the unstable chair he was standing on.

"Be careful!" called out Iseul, reversing her wheelchair so there was less chance of her being involved in an accident if Jungkook was to fall down.

He quickly spread his arms on either side of him and flailed them around until he regained his balance. When the chair finally sat still, he let out a deep sigh of relief. He glanced down at Iseul, frowning at her.

"Thanks for having my back," he said, sarcastically.

She threw finger guns at him and winked, "You can trust me anytime."

The person knocked on her apartment door again and she went to greet whoever it was that was hammering her door with such energy.

"Iseul! Iseul, are you home?"

She lifted her brow as she reached out to push down the door handle. Isn't that Jimin's voice?

Her question was soon answered when she opened the door and came face to face with an agitated Jimin who was heavily panicking as if he had been running to get to her, despite only living next door.

He put his hand on the door frame to support his weight as he looked down and panted. Once he caught his breath he loudly coughed and looked at Iseul with wide eyes.

"Can you please look after Jun until tomorrow," he pleaded.

Just then, the door to his house opened and the little boy came running out, causing the massive bag on his back to bounce up and down before he stopped in front of her.

"My little sister is coming!"

Iseul delightfully gasped and clapped her hands, "How very exciting! And of course I can look after Jun," she said to Jimin. She opened the door wider to let Jun walk past her into her corridor.

He gave her a relieved smile. "I will pay you when we meet again."

She frowned and waved her hand. "No, no it is okay, you don't need to pay me."

"PARK JIMIN! WHERE ARE YOU?" shouted Nari from their house.

"I better go," he quickly said before speeding away. Iseul wished him the best of luck and closed the door.

As she went down the corridor, following Jun, the commotion outside could be clearly heard.

"Son of a bitch, Jimin! This hurts like shit," cried out Nari, "Fuck my life! Get me to that car!"

As much as Iseul felt bad for Nari who had to undergo such immense amount of pain that Iseul could never handle; she couldn't help but giggle at how much profanities she was spewing. Definitely out of character for Nari who always spoke smartly like the highly experienced lawyer she was.

"What are you doing here,hyung?" asked Jun as he took off his bag and placed it on the sofa.

"Fixing Iseul's light-bulb," Jungkook replied.

"Excuses, excuses," sang out Iseul, in order to tease him, "He just wants to hang out with me more because I'm a cool person."

Jun giggled, "You are very cool."

"I just wanted-"

"-To be a good friend by helping me out, blah blah blah," Iseul finished Jungkook's sentence, knowing fully well what he would say because he always said the same thing.

"But it's true," Jungkook mumbled quietly, as his last effort of arguing his point but he knew Iseul was right. He was just making excuses and they were beginning to get less subtle by the minute.

Two days ago, the good friends had been videocalling eachother in the evening. That was when he had noticed the light in her open plan kitchen flickering once in a while. He suggested to her to get it fixed but it was not a big problem for her. Then he offered to fix it for her, which she once again refused, not wanting to give him any trouble. But of course he ended up coming over with a plastic bag holding a new bulb for her kitchen.

A job that was supposed to take no more than five minutes ended up with him staying for more than an hour. A time that surprised Iseul, it was a mystery as to how an hour had just flown when it felt as if he had only arrived. In that moment, Iseul began to understand the saying of how time flies by when you are having fun. Almost too fast. Despite all the teasing towards Jungkook about his excuses, Iseul couldn't deny the fact that she was completely content with his company. Jun too, now that he had joined them.

Jun was staring intently at the television, watching Pororo as per usual. He studied the screen with wide eyes and mouth slightly apart. Despite Pororo only being a simple kid's show, the intent stare from Jun made it seem as though he might as well have been watching a serious drama. It was a habit he seemed to have gotten from his father, Jimin, who too had the almost identical stare. Which was why he missed what Iseul said, the first time round.

"Jun," she tapped him to get his attention, "Are you hungry?"

He quickly looked at her and nodded before putting his focus back on his favourite cartoon. She turned her chair around and went to the kitchen just a few metres behind the sofa Jun was sitting on. Jungkook stepped down from the chair and clapped his hands.

"Finally I'm done," he sighed.

"Thanks Jungkook," she said, "Since you want to be so helpful, why not assist me with cooking for us all?"

"Yeah, well I was just planning on going now."

"Yeah sure you were," she replied sarcastically before laughing, "Now stop being such an actor and take out the ramen packets from the cabinet."

He followed his eyes to the area that she was pointing towards and went to open its door. "Yes, Chef slash Commander Moon."

"I'm thinking that I should've just searched for an acting opportunity for you instead of something to do with you drawing."

He quickly stopped opening the ramen packets and glanced down at her. Curiosity written all over his face.

"You are looking for a job, for me?" he whispered.

She looked around, flustered at herself for accidentally spilling her plan. She tried thinking of something to say that could cover up her mistake. A sigh escaped her lips, there was nothing she could do about it so she nodded as a way of responding to his question.

"Just my way of showing my gratitude for you opening my eyes to wheelchair basketball."

Jungkook turned away from her to fill the pan with water in the sink. He tried to bite back a smile that was stubbornly tugging at his lips.

"I can't help that I'm also an amazing actor alongside being able to do so many things. That's why they call me the Golden Boy."

She let out a harsh cackle. "Tell me, who on earth calls you that?"

"People. Lots of people," he lied.

Iseul frowned at him and shook his head. "Oh hush, boy. I preferred you better when you were too shy to even look me in the eyes," she joked.

Jungkook dramatically shook his head, pursing his lips. "It's not good to lie, Iseul."

"I should've just made you leave after fixing the light," she muttered under her breath.

The pair continued to bicker as they spent twice as long doing a mediocre task such as cooking instant ramen.

A/N: If anyone wants to have a conversation with me lets talk on instagram since I'm much more active there and my lonely ass has so much time now that I have begun my holidays. My IG name is watashiwa_esh

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