June 29, 2018

423 39 3

I've been staring at this page for twenty minutes, knowing I should get this out, but wondering where to start. It's been a while since I've written. Life has... life has fucked me up. Big time. And it's reached a point where I don't know if it'll get better, but I also don't know if it can get any worse. Cause I don't feel like me anymore. I feel like I barely knew who the old Madelyn was.

I lost it.

The baby. April 15, 2018. I was home when it happened. But I still can't write about it, because I still don't know how the hell to put into words all the ways losing it ripped me apart. To shreds. And I still haven't managed to collect all those shreds again. There are pieces of me out there now that I don't think I'll ever see again—they're with that baby. My baby. Wherever he or she is.

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