Chapter 2

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*Your P.O.V.*

You were walking to school, listening to Fireflies by Owl City. That song made you smile even on the worst days ever the song made you smile. Here you are again at World Academy, the school where everyone there bullies you, where you were hated the most. You sigh lightly, wishing you could drop out of the school but you couldn't, your parents went there and your brother went there you couldn't just stop going now and let them think they won. Over your dead body. You get inside the school, yawning, you went to bed a bit late. You were up all night playing all the FNAF games you had. Also your three dogs kept wanting out over and over again. You had a boxer, pitty boxer, red heeler mix, and a german shepard. They were your babies, your life right now, you've had the boxer since you were little and she was a puppy. the other two you rescued
from a shelter. You got to school and sigh.

'Here we go again...'

You thought to yourself, you hear Alfred and Arthur whisper about how ugly you were, you ignored it, you hear Gilbert and the other two members of the BTT whisper that you were useless, you shook it off.

"Hey (y/n)!"

You hear Mathias yell your name, you stopped in your tracks, looking down. The Nordics were one of the worse when it came to bullying you. Even Tino and Berwald bullied you. All five of them surrounded you, you continue to look down not saying a word.

"Tino, why does she even alive?"

Berwald asked him, Tino chuckles

"I don't know Ber, makes you wonder"

You could feel yourself tear up, so you quickly ran past all of them, running into the school. It seems running into the school was much better for you, while you were running you bumped into someone! Of all people it was Ludwig you bumped into..

"Watch where you're going Dummkopf!"

He yells after seeing who it was who ran into him, you bow

"I-I'm sorry L-Ludwig! Please forgive me!"

You really do try with him, but it's not gonna happen, a sigh leaves his lips and walks off

"Don't do it again"

You smile lightly and you head to class.








it was lunch time, you never ate school lunch, you always brought your own, today you had pb and j sandwich, with an apple, along with some water and a piece of you homemade rainbow cake. You took a small piece since the cake is huge! Mainly because it has all the colors of the rainbow in it so you only took the red today. you were an amazing cook and loved to bake, you sit at your normal table, the one no one ever sits with you. you were okay with that, nothing could go wrong that way. Until the BTT sits at your table.

"Hola Feo" (Feo=Ugly in spanish)

You stay quiet, you didn't want to give them a reason to pick on you right now. They blink then smirk, Gilbert grabs your head and makes you head butt the table, you gasps as it happened and you kept your head there, you didn't want it to happen again.

"You will answer us when we talk to you chica~"

Antonio says smirking, your hands turned into fist, you wanted to hit them so much but then again you rather not get ganged up again. Francis chuckles

"Are you gonna cry (Y/n)?"

You shook your head, holding back the tears you wanted to set free so badly, Gilbert holds your head down, as Toni grabs your arms, putting them behind your back roughly in a painful position, your eyes filled with tears, Francis then pulls your hair, you began to cry out in pain.

"P-Please stop! Please!"

You cried, they just smirked, but Toni began to feel something odd towards the girl, what was it? Sorrow?





*Toni's P.O.V.*

i look at (y/n), feeling something i haven't felt towards her before. Sorrow i think is what i was feeling right now. But, but, why? I mean she's nothing but a...a human. Oh my god, what are we doing to her? I can't like her, or the guys would think i'vr gone soft on her. I don't want them beating on me too, so i stayed n silence. 

"let's go guys, let the baby cry here"

Gil says and the two left, I walked off but before i did, i took one last look at (y/n), seeing her crying in pain...the pain we...i...put her in. Then i looked away and ran to catch up with the others, and not with a clean mind either.


I still didn't feel right after what we did to (y/n), for how many times we beat on her, and tease her, why do i feel bad now? I swear i saw something on her wrist but the others were leaving so i didn't get a good look on what was on her wrist. They looked like, scars, or something i don't know. I sigh from the thought, Gil and Francis were talking and here i am feeling awful, what am i gonna do?

*Your P.O.V.*

You were sitting in your Art Foundations class in the back, where you sit in all classes you have. In this class you had to be careful not only to everyone but these people mostly of Lovino, Ludwig, Feliciano (Surprisingly), Kiku, Yao, and Ivan. You were in the back of the room, working on your painting something you've been working on for almost 2 weeks, you wanted it to be perfect. You were painting a Cherry Blossom Branch your teacher gladly got for you, your teachers were very nice to you at least. You wiped the sweat off your forehead, you had paint on your fingers so you went up to the teacher asking to go to the bathroom, he nodded and you took the pass to go. 

*Feliciano's P.O.V.*

I grabbed my paint brushes and walked to the back of the class to wash them out, i passed by that idiota ragazzi's work and i stopped, and walked up to it. 

"Is this...really hers?"

I asked myself, she's really talented. It's beautiful, it looked very realistic. What am i feeling towards this ragazze? My feelings are changing, i don't feel hate towards her anymore. (Y/n) comes back in and i quickly went to the sink, She went back to her painting and i watch her, making her not look like i was. She went on painting and i was impressed by how she was handling the brush. But she was nothing but a....human....and i'm hurting her, not just me but..everyone. I went back to my seat and sat down, Ludwig looks at me

"Jou okay Feli?"

He asked.

"I don't know-a anymore..."

I say softly, i looked back at (y/n) and got an idea, since she doesn't have any friends, maybe, i can be her friend.

*To be continued*

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