Chapter 11

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1 month, 1 month of dealing with being stuck here, what were you going to do? You felt so broken. Any emotion that you've had, seems to be slowly fading away; fading faster each day. You miss Gilbert, you miss Francis, you miss miss seeing their smiling faces, hearing their voices, just everything you miss so much. You once loved, not you had nothing but pure hatred for Antonio. Arthur said he was going to try and get you out, but as you predicted, nothing happened, you knew he was lying anyways. You knew so, but couldn't help but believe him at least a little bit...The door opened, the bright light filled the room completely, you stayed still facing the wall as your back faced the door. 

'Probably Alfred again..great'

You thought to yourself, after a bit of waiting for the blows to come, nothing happened. You hesitated but slowly turned to look, despite your body throbbing due to being in so much pain. You look and saw Arthur standing at the door, you were confused but of course didn't show it. You didn't really show any emotions anymore.

"Glad to see you're still moving, love. Everyone will be leaving soon but me so it'll be me and you in the house today. Please, do not worry, I don't plan on hurting you (Y/n). Up to you to believe me or not but trust me; I will get you out."

Arthur says, you face the wall again, not wanting to hear the same thing from him anymore. You forgiving and trusting people got you here! You just wanted to scream and yell at him and slam the door. But, your body to weak, your voice fading away due to being quiet for so long. You don't even cry anymore, it's as if you've gone completely numb. From pain at least. There is one pain that you will always feel, your heart being shattered...You wanted to be with your friends again, the ones who were truly there for you when you needed them! GIlbert, Francis, and Lovino must be happy though. You're not around to be in the way anymore, they're probably celebrating that you're gone. You gripped onto your shirt as if your life depended on it, you wanted to see them again, even if it would be the final time!! A rush ran through your body but your refused you to move. Arthur did take notice of this, he walked towards you and picks you up like a bride. You looked at him, anger filling your eyes when he did and you shoved him away, causing him to drop you. 

"How dare you touch me! After everything you put me through! I don't believe a word you say Arthur Kirkland!!"

You yell, this causing so much pain to shoot through your throat. You winced and places a hand on your throat. The pain was unbearable, but you've had enough.

"(Y/n), love, please-"

"NO! You caused me so much pain! So much suffering, you even took me away from the real people who really did love me for who I was! You're just at fault as everyone else who caused me so much pain and suffering and I'm sick of it!! All I've ever wanted was to have a normal life like my parents wanted me to have! But no, after they died, my brother got sent to jail and I'm left alone to handle everything! MAYBE JUST END IT NOW AND LET IT FINALLY BE OVER WITH!!"

With this, you passed out. The pain over coming you to where your body shut down on you. Arthur caught you, sighing softly as he gently brushed the hair out of your face. He laid you back down on the mattress that was on the floor, covering you up.

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