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There's a constant ringing in his ears, almost as if a bomb had gone off just metres away from him. An unfamiliar metallic taste in his mouth that tastes so real. Pain radiates from his left knee, and the air smells like smoke. The sensory overload drives him crazy and he's not sure what he can do. There's the choking sound from the back room of the cafe they were in, and then the strangled cry of his name before the silence. The nothingness.

The same nightmare has wrecked Kyle for almost a month now. It makes his heart race and pound in his chest, and it's almost too much to bare. It wakes him up to the cold night air of the London streets and reminds him that Dan isn't next to him. It reminds him that Dan is still missing. It's been like this for too long and he needs Dan back, he needs to know that he is safe. He needs him in his arms. He needs the country to get back to how it was, not how it is now.

Riots. Chaos. Death. Liberation. Rebellion. The country had fallen without a leader- there was nobody to lead the country during it's darkest times as the British government was overthrown and British citizens were left to fend for themselves. If you were to look at this country now, you would never have guessed that it was once beautiful and thriving. Everywhere is run down and broken, almost as if it is a set of a post-apocalyptic film.

"You have to find him, Man. He's going to get killed out there by himself," someone says as Kyle tries to steady himself, tries to stop himself from crying out for his boyfriend. They're in the middle of a road which is cracked and full of literal rubbish- Hell, he doesn't even know who these people are. But they had food and a fire and they were welcoming, Kyle was just drawn to them. "You can't keep going on like this. You have to know that he is safe." 

"I don't even know what happened," Kyle shakes his head, looking down at the ground and running a shaky hand through his hair, which is greasy and unwashed. When Dan is missing, and when nobody exactly has a place, personal hygiene goes out the window. "We were just sat there with this group, and then... This bang, and this pain, and this smoke, and him shouting for me and then there was just nothing. I blacked out and if I had stayed awake, I would have been able to save him." 

The rest of the group, which consists of two women, a child, and another man, are all asleep, coats spread over them. They're in a quiet part of the capital where they only set one watchman. The superstore they are sleeping outside of has been boarded up, which denies them access to the building.

The man who Kyle is sat with sighs and shakes his head, looking out down the road into the distance. "You can't just beat yourself up like that. You know you couldn't have done anything about it, you just feel guilty that he shouted for you." The man shifts and he tucks his legs to his chest, his pistol (Kyle has wondered where he got it from) sitting next to him. "I reckon those weirdoes have him- WWComms, or whatever they're called. Those freaks." 

"Them. Yeah, yeah I know them. They're fucked up." Kyle shakes his head and stretches. It's dark, and his watch (which may or may not be broken but Kyle can't tell) says it's roughly four AM, and Kyle hasn't slept. He just wants to see Dan. "I see their vans everywhere, their agents in their weird hazmat suits. What do they actually do?" 

"They want to be the new government, don't they? That's why they're taking people, so they can train them to be their, like, bodyguards or something." The man shrugs, "They want to be in power, so they're just taking people. I think your Dan was one of them." 

Kyle feels like crying. His eyes are stinging and he feels sick. "I just.. Why him? Why us? Why is it us?" He asks, sighing and putting his head in his hands. "I just wanted... I wanted to be happy, you know, I wanted to live a normal life with him, to be together as much as we could. Now I don't even know where he is." 

The sun started to rise over the city about two hours after Kyle fell asleep ten minutes after the conversation, and when he awoke, Kyle thanked his company for having him and made his way somewhere else. He doesn't know where, but he wants to keep moving in case he sees one of those agents- then he could at least know which direction they've come from.

For once it's hot in England, too hot. Kyle walks around with his backpack on his back and a vest top on. Why is it only hot when he could use it not being hot?

He crosses a few people on his way, but he kept away from them. Nobody can trust anybody anymore, and that annoys Kyle, but he has to deal with what is happening.  He misses the sense of community London once held, yet now it's a dog eat dog world. Trust nobody, help nobody.

A wall on his left has that stupid fucking logo on it, the same one that he has seen everywhere and the same one the man told him about. The weird, fucked up triangles, and the slogan that follows:


I'd Start A Riot //Dyle//Where stories live. Discover now