Chapter Four

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The two men have walked for hours, their bodies aching and pleading them to stop, but they refused. Kyle is in pain, not knowing what could be happening to his Danny, and Charlie just wants to get there now. 

"We're here," the boy tells Kyle, breathing a sigh of relief. Luna is, as always, sniffing the ground and wagging her tail high, as if nothing really changed. 

Kyle, however, isn't as happy as Luna or Charlie appear to be. Instead, his face is a picture of disbelief. "'we're here?'" He echoes, "How the fuck can we be 'here'? We're in a bastard field in the middle of fucking nowhere!" 

"Will you jus-" 

"I cannot believe you've made me walk all this way to show me a fucking field!" Kyle shouts. "Holy fuck, Charlie! I could have been looking for Dan and instead you bring me here?! The fuck is your problem?!" 

"Are you done?" Charlie asks, glaring at Kyle. "Fucks sake man, follow me." The younger man sighs as he walks towards what appears to be a manhole cover on the ground and lifts it. "Oi, Woody. It's only me and my pal. Can we come down?" 

There's a grunt of approval from the ground below them and Kyle follows Charlie down the wooden stairs going down, questioning what the Hell this thing is. 

"It was an underground bunker from the war or something. Woody found it one day and when all of this went down, he upped his wife and kid and moved down here." Charlie explains. "Usually he has that thing locked, but... Oh, hey Woods." 

"Alright, Charlie. Who's this?" A man comes out of a different room, holding a small child in his hands. Kyle wonders for a moment about how Charlie must feel, seeing the small child knowing that he will never hold his own. His heart hangs heavy for him.

"I'm Kyle, Charlie's friend. It's nice to meet you." Kyle introduces himself, smiling. He holds his hand out for Woody to shake, which the man does, the baby in his arms looking smaller than ever. 

"My name is Chris, but people call me Woody." Woody looks exhausted, dark bags hanging under his eyes. His hair is a mess, but even with a child in his arms, he still looks intimidating.

"Where's Chrissy?" Charlie asks, putting his bag down by the stairs. Luna curls up by the bag, resting her head on it and closing her eyes. Charlie then moves closer to Woody, cooing at the infant in his arms. Woody hands the child over to Charlie, who smiles down at the little one. "Oh, Kyle, this is Woody's daughter, Sarah, by the way." 

"She's having a nap. I don't blame her. Sarah here didn't sleep until five this morning." Woody yawns, stretching his arms out. He isn't talking much to Kyle, but Kyle can understand why. "If you shut the hatch up and lock it, you can spend some time here. But please let me take a nap for a few hours." 

"I'll watch Sarah, don't worry." 

Woody disappeared for a few hours, telling Kyle that 'a friend of Charlie's is a friend of mine but don't touch anything.', leaving the two with the small infant, who just stared at Kyle and tried to grab his beard at times. 

"Woody should know where those triangle fuckers are," Charlie tells him quietly as they sit on a beat up sofa, their feet resting on a makeshift table. The room is dingy and the lighting is poor, but it's something. Considering all that has happened, it's actually quite good. It's somewhere warm, safe, and away from everyone else. 

Kyle has Sarah resting on his lap, but she is sitting up because of the angle of his legs. He plays were her tiny hands, a smile on his face. He had discussed adoption with Dan many times in the past, and he had seemed open to it, but nothing had ever been done about it. The two of them wanted to be fathers, though, and start their own family. Now it feels as though that could never happen.

"He is usually quite good at tracking these guys." Charlie runs both of his hands through his hair and puts his head back, closing his eyes. He hates to admit it because of how shitty the sofa is, but it's probably the comfiest thing he has been on for a while. "He should know where the headquarters are." 

"I really need to find him, Charlie. I need to know that he is safe." Kyle says, sighing. He would give up everything he owns just to have Dan by his side again- this is killing him. "I don't even know where to start..." 

"Well, this is something." Luna moves from her spot by the stairs and moves over to Charlie, jumping up on his lap and settling there, licking his hand. "I can't even promise that he is okay because these people are sick..." 

"I know. That's the shitty thing." Sarah's eyes slowly begin to close and she settles down into Kyle's lap, holding his index finger in her hand. "I just want him back with me, now." 

"I know you do..." 

"I don't know, I haven't seen any of them in ages." Woody says the next morning. "I haven't left here in a few days, so..." 

"You must know something, though." Charlie says, almost pleading with him. "Come on, man. If this was... If this was Chrissy then you'd go to the end of the earth and back to bring her home." 

Chrissy, stood by a cabinet, frowns. The underground bunker is bigger than Kyle expected; it has several rooms including a bedroom, a living room, and a kitchen. There is also a toilet in the back room (that somehow still works, which Kyle finds odd), and a room that Kyle has not yet seen. 

"Don't drag me into this," Chrissy shakes her head, but Charlie goes on.

"Think of it. Kyle is so in love with Dan, he's head over fucking heels for him and yet Dan has just been taken away from him. We would all go to the end of the earths, as long as we knew where they were. Some information of these jumpsuit triangle guys would be helpful." 

Woody sighs and starts walking to another door to a room that Kyle hasn't seen yet. "Follow me." 

He leads them into the room, and Chrissy goes to sort out Sarah who has now started to cry. Luna has followed her.

In the room, there is a large map of London and several black pins connected with a red string. It looks like something you'd expect to see on a film about the FBI or something along those lines.

"I've pinpointed all the places I've seen them. They are more common in some areas than others, but there's no correlation, so I can't really help..." Woody explains, pointing to different areas. "All I know is that they have a base somewhere. Whether that be in London or in Scotland, I don't know, but it's somewhere. I'd be willing to help you look, but I'm not willing to leave Chrissy and Sarah here by themselves." 

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