Chapter Twenty-One

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Chrissy has had quite enough. She is sick of being in the bloody bunker without having someone else she can actually have a conversation with by her side or having nothing to do or nowhere to go. She's sick of not knowing if her husband is still alive or not, and she just wants to be involved and know what's happening. She is not spending all of her life in this bloody bunker.

Slowly, she begins to gather essentials, food, water, dog food, baby food, changes of clothes for herself and Sarah, nappies, just all the stuff she would need, slowly humming along to the radio, listening to the array of tracks they play. Something about the whole situation feels... Normal. As if she was back at her usual home, with Woody, with the baby, having a normal life in a normal country. But nothing has been normal for a while.

The young mother spent hours last night trying to work out where the radio station is, where they are recording it. When she realised it wasn't too far from the bunker, she decided that she would go to them, see if she can get the word out about Woody, Charlie, and Kyle. Maybe the radio 'hosts' will know something, too. Maybe more people will help. Maybe she'll find them. Hopefully, she will, anyway.

Part of her knows she should go, she knows she should find her husband and have something to do, somewhere to go. She wants more than just this bunker.  However, the other half worries. What if she is wrong? What if the people at the radio don't want to help her, they want nothing to do with it. What if the WWComms agents hear the message, and that's even if one is sent out. What about Sarah? What if something happens to Woody, but Sarah is in her arms so she can't help? 

With a sigh, Chrissy makes to leave.

The steel door of the bunker releases a loud squeal as it opens, and the woman takes a moment to allow her eyes to adjust to the brightness that the bunker denied. Her child sleeps peacefully in a baby carrier that Woody must have packed away at the beginning of all of this (she can't remember having it beforehand, though, so she was surprised when she found it).

"Luna," she calls softly as the dog waits by the stairs, her ears pointing backwards. "Come on, we're leaving." 

The dog whines, putting her head down and resting it on the second to the bottom step.

"Come on," she encourages again, but the dog just stares at her. "We'll find Charlie. Where's Charlie, huh? Are we going to find him? Come on then, let's go!" 

At the mention of her masters and best friends name, the dog bounds up the stairs, looking around to see if she can spot Charlie. When she can't find him, she releases a whine of disappointment, and Chrissy bends down to stroke the top of her head. 

"We'll find him soon, Love, don't worry." 

"Is... Is that Kyle?" Woody asks, nudging Charlie next to him, who looks up from the ground. Ralph, of whom they had labelled the 'Cowboy Man', is in a world of his own, just staring at the ground below him. 

Charlie looks up in alarm, his eyes settling on the tall figure just down the street, stood next to a slightly shorter, though much stronger, figure.

"I don't know... It looks like him," Charlie mumbles, his eyes lighting up. Suddenly, he makes quite a large, and dramatic, step forward, cupping his hands around his mouth to make some sort of projector. "KYLE!" 

To the shout, the two men turn around, both holding a frown on their face from confusion, but it's clear that the person they thought was Kyle, is Kyle.

"Woody! Charlie!" Kyle shouts, turning on his heel to run towards the two men. His friend just remains in his place, looking around awkwardly, before walking over to them and giving an almost shy smile. "Jesus Christ, why are you here?! Where's Chrissy? Sarah? Luna?" 

There's an exchange of hugs and such, and an introduction to both Ralph and Will ("Cowboy Man meet Will, Will meet Cowboy Man,"), and there are smiles on the men's faces as everyone explains what has happened in the time they've been apart.

"This is mental. How did you even find me?" Kyle asks after they have found somewhere to sit and talk, which happens to be an empty office above a chip shop. 

"Complete chance, mate." Woody answers, "Didn't even think we'd do it at all at some points, cause we could have been anywhere. But thanks to Ralph, here, we worked out where the WWComms HQ is, and, well, here we are." 

"Thank fuck you did, though. I was terrified of doing this by myself," 

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