Chapter Twenty Three

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Morning breaks across the broken city, bringing with it a new sense of hope and new beginnings for Kyle, who is desperate to get his lover back. After so long of searching, today may be the day. It's all he wishes for, to have Dan back in his arms, to have him by his side again. At least then he can have some sort of normality in his life, something he now realises he has missed so much. 

Ralph, who has been up keeping watch for the last few hours, shakes each one of the others awake. The sky is a weird purple colour, and, as they all wake up, each man takes a moment to look and admire it. There's something that feels abnormal about the whole situation, and although everyone can feel it, nobody decides to comment on it.

"What are we doing then?" Kyle is the first one to speak, stretching his arms out above his had with a satisfying click. Charlie cringes at the sound. "Are we going to plan to-" 

"There's someone outside," Ralph mumbles quietly, interrupting the other man. He slowly walks over to the window- or, what's left of it in the broken wall. He peers outside and sees about five people gathered a little bit in front of the building. They probably saw the smoke of the dying fire as it escaped through the broken wall. "Shit..." 

Woody reaches into his backpack and grabs a pistol, moving to stand next to Ralph. As he does so, he peers out the window and assesses the situation.

"Well, shit..." He squares his shoulders and tries to get a better look, "What do we do?" 

Will, rubbing his eyes, yawns. "They may be good people. Here to help," he rises to his feet as he speaks to the others. although he won't admit it to himself, he'd do anything to have another smoke, to feel the familiar burn in his lungs and the satisfying waves washing over him, taking him to a better place. After all of this happens and is over, if he doesn't die during it, he doesn't know what will happen. Will he go back to living his life how it was? Being a nobody going nowhere? Or will he stay with his newly found friends? He doesn't even know why he thinks about it, though. He considers himself useless. What chance is there for him to come out alive? Even so, who's to say that they would want him there, anyway?

"Yeah, well why would they help?" Woody bites back as he rolls his eyes. He hasn't taken too kindly to the quiet stranger, and as soon as all of this is over, he is going to return to his wife and child and try to give his little girl the best possible life he can give her, away from all of this political bullshit. She deserves to have a childhood. "You think too kindly of the world nowadays," 

The other man also rolls his eyes. There's nothing wrong with having a little bit of faith in humanity- Hell, he handcuffed Kyle to the sofa thinking it's entirely possible for him to be a murderer. No look at them. Woody is being ridiculous.

"Well, some of us are more optimistic than the others." He mutters under his breath, but Woody hears. 

"Well, you go and talk to them, then!" He hisses at the man, glaring at him. Will glares back, and walks over to the window, snatching Woody's gun off of him. 

The group of strangers hear a noise by the window next to them, and they look up to see a man pointing a pistol at them. They find no way to respond but to point their own guns at him, only to see that there are more people with him.

"What do you want?" He demands, a stern look on his face. The group shifts uncomfortably, no one being able to find the voice to speak. 

"W-we heard the thing on the radio," the smallest of the group, a girl no older than the age of fifteen, speaks up. "Someone needs our help, this woman's husband." 

The first man glances to another, whose face softens a little bit. 

"A-Are you actually going to help?" The second man questions, swallowing a lump in his throat. There are more people than they could have expected and for a group four, they are slightly overpowered. "Are you actually going to help us or are you just tricking us?" 

"I'm almost fifteen, man. Look at me. Am I really going to kill any of you?" The girl rolls her eyes and sighs, and her small group laugh.

Roughly twenty more people showed up. They have no idea where any of them came from, but they all came destined to lend their help in some way. The morning turned into the afternoon as time progressed, and the plans to attack the WWComms HQ became more and more detailed. Kyle becomes more and more agitated as he prepares himself mentally to go into the fight, to find his boyfriend and bring him back. 

To say he is excited would be an understatement. He feels like his heart could explode with the excitement of getting Dan back again. He loves him to the moon and back and he just wants to hold him in his arms, to feel him there. He would give up everything to have him there.

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