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Adam POV

I wake up when we're just outside of Toronto, and see Jeanie and the guys talking and having fun together. I'll admit, seeing her that close to Neil makes me jealous. I know he's married, and he's a great guy, he wouldn't do anything, but seeing her that close to any guy that isn't me just makes me want her even more.

I get up and grab some pills and some water before swallowing yet another handful.

"Adam, man we gotta talk," Neil says from behind me.

"Adam, please listen to us. You need help. If you aren't going to do it for us, do it for Jeanie." Brad says.

I turn around to face them.

"We hate seeing you like this and none of us want to lose you. We can wait to do this album,"

"Think about the fans," They even got Jeanie in on this, and that really makes me think. I don't want to hurt her. Brad was right, if I can't do it for anyone else, I can at least do it for her.

"Fine," I say quietly.

I know how big of a fan Jeanie is, and I know that I really care about her. I never want to hurt her.

Jeanie smiles and hugs me, and I promise myself that I'll get help. I go to grab my bags as we're pulling up at the.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys around," I say as we all head off in our own directions.

"So Toronto's a pretty fun place I guess," I say as we're walking back to my apartment.

After we get back to my apartment, I take Jeanie's bags to the extra bedroom and grab the spare key for her.

"One thing the guys don't know is that I had been looking into rehab places for awhile. They've done so many interventions, but I never wanted to believe that I had a problem. But today was different. When they brought you into it, I really started thinking,"

"So you really are going to do this?"

"Yeah, I think I am. I planned on going in today, but I can wait if you don't want to be alone in a new city,"

"I'll be fine Adam. I won't be alone. I have you and the guys. And hey, I'll come with you,"

"Thanks Jeanie. You're amazing," I grab my back and head outside with Jeanie. I know this is the right thing to do, it's just so hard. Jeanie and I walk in silence for the 5 minutes it takes us to get there.

When we do, I get signed in pretty quickly, and Jeanie goes back to my room with me and sits next to me on the bed.

"Don't worry Adam. You can do this, you're strong,"

"I feel bad about leaving you alone in a whole new city,"

"You don't need to worry about me Adam. I'll be fine. If I need anything, I have the guys,"

"Yeah, Neil lives the closest to me, so he'd probably be the best to call if you need something," Jeanie nods and takes my hand.

"I'll come see you everyday Adam. I promise,"

"You're amazing Jeanie,"

"Well, so are you Adam,"

We sit silently for almost an hour, before Jeanie stands up.

"I should go Adam. I'm gonna grab some food and maybe stop by Neil's, get the layout of the city, you know."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow Jean," I stand up and hug her. Just getting to hug the woman that I have so many feelings for makes me more determined to push past this.

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