Chapter 4

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Today was the day. I showered last night and pampered myself. I wanted to be sure I would smell amazing today. I cleaned everything once and cleaned it all again. I made sure the guest bedroom was spotless. I did make the house feel "lived in" so he wouldn't think I cleaned all night for today (which I did). It was time to go to the airport so I got my things and walked out the door, knowing the next time I would be in this house, so would Will. I got even more butterflies.

Time skip

I pulled up to the curb and put my hazards on. Will texted me saying he found Zach and they would be coming out of gate 7. I got out of the car, moving to the curb to lean on my car and checked my phone. No texts yet. I sighed and tried not to be too excited. My stomach was doing flips. I mentally told my stomach to shut the hell up. I looked around and checked my phone again. The thing about picking them up was that I knew what they looked like but they didn't know what I looked like. Remembering that, I decided to text Will the color and make of my car, also telling him my hair, eye, and shirt colors. I looked up from my phone and saw Will and Zach come out of the sliding glass door. Will looked at his phone. I figured I would wait for him to find me. It would be funny watching him try to figure out who I was. 'I should have told him the wrong car so I could prank him.' I thought. He looked up and scanned the cars. We locked gazes and I could tell he knew it was me. He smiled wide and pointed to me. I remembered Zach was here when I saw him running towards me. He dropped his bag and hugged me. I was shocked. I saw Will walking towards us and laughing. I was sad I didn't get to hug Will first but I got to see him laugh like that in person so it was okay. I realized Zach was still hugging me so I tried to let go but he just hugged me tighter. "You're not allowed to leave!" He said jokingly, doing that weird laugh of his. I laughed and hugged him back. He let me go and I instantly turned to Will. He gave me a big smile and pulled me into his arms. I sighed and almost melted. 'He smells so nice, exactly what I imagined.' I thought, trying not to sniff him and make it weird. He rested his head on my shoulder and I died. Zach coughed and we both let go. I blushed a little bit and hoped no one saw. "Lets go!!!" Zach shouted excitedly. I helped them put their stuff in the trunk and Will called shotgun. I was kinda happy he would be sitting next to me for an hour and I could see if he looked at me instead of being painfully aware he could stare at me all he wanted from the back seat and I wouldn't see it.

We all talked the whole car ride about Mincon and the panels they would be doing this year and anything we could think of. It was a lot of fun. We were going to drop Zach off at his hotel and then I would take Will to my house so they could both drop off their things and get settled. When they were both ready, we would go out to breakfast. We got to Zach's hotel and went in with him to make sure he could get his room and get in. We rode up the elevator to the top floor and walked down to his room. We got in and he set his stuff down. We said our goodbyes and I walked out with Will. From this point on until we meet up with Zach again, I would be alone with Will, just us.

We got back to the car and Will said "So it's just you and me, huh." "Yeah" I said getting nervous again. We talked on the way to my house about a few things but we mostly sat in silence. It wasn't awkward though, it was a comfortable silence. "I guess Zach really is the one who keeps the conversations going, huh." I said "Yeah, he doesn't like silence I guess" Will laughed. We got to my house and I pulled into the driveway. "Wow, this is a nice place." Will said. "Thanks!" I said back. "So anyone inside you'll have to introduce me to?" He asked sounding a bit nervous. "No I live by myself" "Wait, you live alone?" he asked sounding a bit shocked. "Yeah I got this house 2 years ago and I've been living here since. Shelby sleeps over a lot but other than that I'm here by myself and I enjoy it." "Did your parents help you get the house?" he asked. We were inside by this point. "No I bought it myself." "What? How?" "My parents were kind of rich. They passed away in a fire before I bought this house. Our house was burnt down and I inherited their fortune. I got myself a house and here I am. Also I'm not telling you this story so you can pity me. I went through the grieving process already, I'm okay now." Will looked a little guilty. "I'm sorry to bring up bad memories." He apologized. "Don't worry, it's been 2 years. I can talk about it now. Here follow me, I'll show you your room." I smiled to show him I was fine and he smiled back, giving me butterflies for the millionth time today.

We entered a room down the hall. "This is your room." I said happily. "Wow this is nice. I'm so grateful you let me stay with you, it's honestly the nicest thing someone has ever done for me. But I remember you saying I wouldn't stay for free, what did you want me to do for you?" "Oh put your things down and I'll show you" I laughed. I lead him to my computer room and showed him the things I bought online. "I'm going to start making videos and I wanted to learn how to use these to surprise you but I couldn't figure it out. I wanted to take you up on your offer to teach me how to make videos." Will smiled and laughed. "Oh good, I thought you were going to ask for sexual favors" "I slapped his arm. "Gross" We both laughed. "Well we should start by plugging everything in." He showed me how turn everything on and he had me sit down in my chair. He leaned on the back of my chair and I could feel the warmth coming from his arm. 'It's just like my dream' I thought, blushing and hoping he couldn't see it. He taught me a few things before Zach texted us, letting us know he was ready to go. "We'll finish this tonight" He winked at me and I thought I was going to die. "Kay." I said quietly, grabbing my keys and walking out the house with Will by my side. On the way to get Zach, Will and I were talking just a bit more than we did on the way to my house. It was nice. "I'll have to get pictures of the convention so I can show my girlfriend when I get home."

Author's note: HAHAHA cliffhanger! lol thanks for all the nice comments so far, I'm really enjoying writing this story. I have plans for a whole new story in the future so if u like this one, stick around XD

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