Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Our whole room woke up around 12 and we got ready to see Will. I talked with Liam a bit that morning and realized how funny and nice he is. I think if I had started talking to Liam before I really started talking to Will, I would have liked Liam. We walked out the door and to the hospital, talking to Will's doctor. There was nothing new today and he said Will was doing fine. We all walked into the room and saw Will laying on his bed looking at something on his phone. Zach spoke up first. "WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE" he said loudly. Will looked up at Zach and just looked back at his phone. We all laughed. He got up from his bed slowly, careful not to hurt himself, and hugged Zach. "Be gentle with me, I'm dying" Will said jokingly. He turned to face Liam and hugged him too. We all sat down. "It's good to see you guys." Will said seriously. We sat and talked for a few minutes before we heard a knock on the door. "Come in" Will said. The door opened and in walked a tall beautiful brunette. I'd never seen her before. Will looked surprised and stood up. "Willy! Oh my god look at you, you're hurt." She said closing the distance between them and hugging him. She pulled back and kissed him on the mouth. I was shocked and I looked away. I could only guess this was Sarah, his ex. "Sarah" Will said hugging her again and confirming my guess. Everyone else in the room looked at me. I shook my head as to say, 'we'll talk about it later,' and they all looked away. Will and Sarah looked at the group. "Everyone who doesn't know, this is my girlfriend, Sarah." He said smiling and holding her hand. She smiled back and said "Hello everyone, I know most of you. Graser, H, and Shelby hello. You I don't know, what's your name?" She said sticking out her hand for me to shake it. "I'm (Y/N)." I said curtly, shaking her hand. "I joined Harmony Hollow a-" "Good to meet you" she said cutting me off and looking back at Will. "You should be resting, you look gross." She said running her hand through his hair. That was all I could take. I stood up loudly and everyone looked at me. I blushed and said "I'm going home" I walked out of the room and Shelby followed me. We were walking out of the hospital entrance when Zach and Liam caught up with us. "(Y/N), Shelby, wait up!" I heard Zach shout. We stopped and waited for them to catch up and walked to the hotel in silence.

When we got into our room I sat down and started tearing up. "I can't believe that witch would come back to him because she knows he doesn't remember breaking up. She is such a bad person!" Shelby said punching the pillows. "Maybe leaving them alone was a bad idea" she said flopping onto the bed on her back. Zach sat next to her and held her hand. "Will realized she was terrible before, he can do it again. (Y/N), you talked to him about it before and got him to break up with her. Maybe you just need to talk about it again." "Back then, we had been friends for a while, that's why he even listened to me. Now, he doesn't even know me. What can I do now?" I said putting my face in my hands. I felt a hand on my back and someone sit next to me. I knew it was Liam. It was very comforting. I sat up and leaned on his shoulder, not yet crying. He put his arm around me and patted my back supportively which changed our position into hugging. He smelt nice and his hug was making me feel a lot better. I leaned back, out of the hug, and smiled at him wiping my eyes. "Thanks, Liam. I feel a lot better." He smiled back at me. "Anytime" he said standing up "We should go get our room sorted, Graser." He said to Zach, still holding Shelby's hand. "Ugh I just want to stay here." he said defiantly. "How about you room with (Y/N) and I room with Shelby?" Zach said like it was a great idea. I saw Liam blush and I did too, a little bit. "No!" Shelby said pushing Zach to the door. Zach grumbled more before they left to get a room. When Shelby closed the door she turned to me. "Hey what was that?" She asked genuinely interested and confused. "What was what?" I asked, not understanding. "You and Liam, you seemed touchy feely. What was that about???" "I don't know what you mean, I was emotional and Liam was comforting me." I said. I thought about what happened. "Liam likes you, we established that at Minecon when he asked if you and Will were dating. He also blushed when Graser brought up you two rooming. So all I'm saying is, don't take advantage of his feelings and just use him to make yourself feel better. He'll think you like him if you keep doing things like this." Shelby said. "Well what if I really do like him?" I asked. Shelby looked at me, confused. "..... Do you?" she asked. "I don't know" I said looking down. "I understand though, I won't lead him on." I concluded.


"So Graser and I are going on a date today, it's been forever since I've seen him so we're going out." Shelby said happily. "Will you be okay here by yourself?" "Yeah I'll be fine!" I said. "What time are you leaving?" she said they were leaving in an hour and wouldn't be back until late. "Okay, be good, don't talk to strangers, don't get pregnant." I said laughing. She blushed a bright red. "EW HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?" She walked over to the bathroom, still blushing. "Don't tell me how to live my life. I'll get pregnant if I want." she said, closing the door. I laughed even harder. "EW" I yelled. I heard her laugh through the wall. After an hour, Shelby was almost ready. She even dressed nicely. There was a knock at the door and she asked me to answer while she was in the bathroom. It was Zach all dressed up as well. "Oh wow, you look nice!" I said. "I thought you were going to insult me, like everyone else." he laughed. "Even H said 'Hey you don't look terrible today'." "I'm nicer than everyone else." I said jokingly. "Shelby is in the bathroom finishing up, come on in." I said. He walked in and sat on her bed. We talked for a minute before Shelby emerged from the bathroom. Zach just stared at her. "Woooow" he said before standing up and walking over to her. "You look beautiful." he said kissing her on the cheek. She blushed and held his hand. "See you later, (Y/N)." she said leading him out of the room. "Byeeeeee" I said turning back to my computer. I'd recently taken to watching all of Will's older videos whenever I was bored. I've watched about half of them so far. I decided after a little bit to order room service and call Liam to see what he was doing. "Hey Liam, you busy?" I asked. "No I was just watching T.V., what's up?" "I'm getting room service, want to come over for a food party?" I joked. "Sure, I'm pretty hungry." It was only like 2 minutes before I heard Liam at the door. I let him in and we sat down and looked at the menu. We ordered and watched T.V. while we waited for it to arrive. When it did, we ate and were talking for a bit. "Hey, we should do a challenge video or something." Liam said. "Yeah! That would be fun! What kind of challenge?" I asked. We were thinking for a little while before we decided to do the "Girlfriend does my makeup" on Liam's channel and "Boyfriend does my makeup challenge" on mine, we would just call them something else. I collected all my makeup and we got our cameras out. We would film my video and then Liam's. It didn't take that long to record them but it was really fun recording with him.

After the videos were done, I looked like a hot mess and Liam looked hot as a girl. We cleaned our faces off and settled for watching videos on my bed. We watched some of Liam's with Parker. "I think I ship ParkBomb." I said to Liam. He laughed. "Me too." he said jokingly. At this point we were sitting close together. I didn't even notice we were so close. I looked at Liam and he looked back at me. Our faces were maybe 5 inches apart. We both blushed and looked away. After a while I saw out of the corner of my eye, Liam looking at me. I looked at him slowly and when our eyes connected he kissed me. I was caught off guard. After we separated, Liam looked at me for a minute and then got extremely red. He stood up and said "I think I'm going to go back to my room." he said walking to the door. "Sorry" he said leaving. I didn't know what to do so I sat there for a minute trying to process what happened. Liam kissed me and I didn't not like it. I was confused. After a while Shelby came back. She walked into the room still smiling and giddy from her date. "Hey" she said. "Hey" I said back. "how was your date?" I asked. "Awesome, I'll spare you the details but look." Shelby showed me her hand where there was a toy ring. "Isn't it cute?" she asked. "Did he propose?" I asked. "NO he just bought me a toy ring, it was sweet. It's not on my ring finger duh." she said, "What did you do tonight?" she asked. I decided to get right to the point. "Liam kissed me." I said. Shelby's jaw dropped. "WHAT? What happened?" "We were sitting here on my bed watching videos and he just kissed me. I didn't stop him either but he left immediately afterwards. I think he was embarrassed." We talked for a little bit about my feelings and I decided to give Liam a chance. Will didn't even know who I was and he got his ex back so I decided to try and move on. I didn't want to press him about his forgotten memories and he seemed so happy with Sarah. It killed me but it would be what's best for him right now. Tomorrow I would talk to Liam but for now I just needed to sleep.

Author's Note: 

I'm not sorry for this lol. THANKS FOR READING WE HIT 10K THE OTHER DAY yooooo its amazing haha okay I'm gonna go now bye

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