'Thunder Storms and Cuddles'

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I've decided to do both Josh and Tyler. Kinda dabble in the preferences but stick to the imagines if that's alright.


Cuddling up in the duvet on my bed, I sighed. I pulled the pillow to my chest and looked out the window that I had opened a crack. I waited patiently for the rain drops I wanted so badly to fall.

I had waited all day for the rain to fall and had constantly checked my phone all day. The times changed from 4 pm to 5 pm then to 7 and 8 and I was now waiting for the nine o' clock rain to fall over Josh and I's home.

Speaking of Josh, he was supposed to be here. I had texted him a few hours earlier about the rain and he had promised he'd be home in time but he still wasn't here. I picked up my phone, ready to call him before a clap of thunder sounded.

I instantly cuddled back into the covers and grinned as rain began pouring down rather heavily. The lights were all off, meaning the only light I had was coming from the window. The whole room was cast in a dark blue shadow that set an ambiance I thoroughly enjoyed.

The sound of the rain falling onto the pavement outside and the smell of wet grass. It was all relaxing and calming to me.

"[Y/N]! Baby! I'm home!"

Not wanting to move, I told him I was upstairs before resuming my stare outside. I could hear him tromping upstairs before knocking on the door,

"Hey, beautiful, can I come in?"

I hummed and responded with a quiet yes.

My boyfriend came into the room, his clothes drenched and his hair and floofy mess. He glanced over to me and chuckled at how distracted I was by the rain.

"Get changed," I scolded, "You'll get a cold."

Josh held his hands up as I looked over to him and furrowed my brow with my mom look. He grinned over at me before walking off into our joint bathroom to grab a towel.

"Are you taking a shower?" I asked as he shed his clothes with the door still wide open.

He glanced over to me and rose an eyebrow, "Would you like me to?"

I shook my head and made grabby hands towards him. Josh shook the rest of his wet hair before pulling a pair of boxers,

"I get it, I get it. I'm coming," He tutted as I began to whine for him.

Josh wandered over to me and slid underneath the covers with me as I turned back to the window. We stayed quiet as Josh wrapped an arm around my waist and burrowed himself into my back. I kept my gaze on the rain droplets that pelted against our window and trained my ear to the sound of the thunder that came every few minutes.

This was what I loved.

The smell of rain. The feeling of my lover's arms wrapped around me underneath the covers, and the sound of tapping rain, all of it mixed with the sound of the rain made my eyelids heavy and my heart slow to a rhythmic beat.

I could feel Josh pressing kisses to my shoulder and neck softly.

A small groan tumbled from my lips as I woke up again. I turned in his arms and snuggled into his chest as he giggled,

"Were you asleep?" He asked in a surprised tone.

I merely grunted and burrowed deeper into his chest, wrapping my arms around him. He chuckled and wrapped his own arms around me and set his chin on my head.

Pitter, pitter, pat, pat, pat, pitter

Drip, . . drip, . . . drip

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out

"I love the rain," I murmured as his hand began to run through my hair.

Josh hummed and kissed my head, "I love it too."

And we soon fell into a dreamless sleep in each others arms. All to the sound of rain.


My boyfriend, Tyler, and I were on the couch when the storm hit.

We were watching an older movie that was recommended to us by a friend, but it must have been a joke considering how awful it was. However, Tyler and I were just fine with laughing and cracking jokes.

Tyler had laid his head down on my lap and was perfectly content playing with my hands. While he did that, I ran my free hand through his hair and slowly became tired. I had just closed my eyes when the credits rolled, Tyler doing the same, and began to fall asleep until a small drip drip began to sound from the window.

It soon grew to a thundering sound that hit against the outside of our house harshly. Tyler and I were now awake and cowering beneath a blanket.

"[Y/N]," He whispered, slowly pulling me down to lay beside him, "I don't like it."

We never really did like rain. How hard it pounded against out windows, threatening to shatter the glass and seep into our house. The claps of thunder that sounded every few minutes never failing to make Tyler and I jump.

"I don't like it either."

Tyler wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled into me. I ran a shaky hand through his hair as another clap of thunder ripped through the sky.

He kissed my side and moved one of his hands to my cheek before wiggling up to meet my eyes. I became warmer from his closeness and turned on my side to bring him closer,

"We'll be okay," Tyler reassured me in his shaky voice.

He pressed his forehead to mine and continued to mumble it quietly to me while kissing me softly.

Of course, I was taken back. I was used to him being scared and making me hold him underneath the covers. However, it was different.

He was still shaky even as he held me close to him and repeatedly told me I was okay. Tyler's free hand ran through my hair once before I looked up to him with my chin on his chest,

"I love you, Tyler."

He pressed his lips against my forehead and let a sly smile spread across my skin, "I love you too baby."

We continued to stay close to each other the whole night before we fell asleep to the now calm rain drops falling on our window.


Feel like the Tyler one was shorter... pfft...

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