'Plain Rude'

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"He likes you."


"No, no. No bull I swear."

I looked over at Tyler from my spot on the floor, trying my best to debunk his claim with just his facial expression; However Tyler showed nothing but honesty in his big eyes. Really, I shouldn't chastise him. I couldn't ever doubt him and his truthfulness only because he was one of my closest friends. Yet in this circumstance it was hard to believe him.

"Have you not been paying attention?" I asked harshly, "He's an ass, Tyler. Especially to me. There is no way in hell Josh finds me remotely attractive."

Tyler huffed and rolled his eyes as I turned back towards the TV, showing that the conversation was over. I wasn't having his lies and teasing with me.

It was even harder knowing I confided in him about Josh and how I had a crush on him since our first year of hanging out with him. Now, it seemed Tyler wanted to use it against me, I guess.

"I've got popcorn~" Jenna sang as she strolled into the living room with a large bowl in hand. Josh followed closely behind with a drink in hand before setting himself on the chair to my right. Jenna's bowl overflowed with popcorn, so much so when she sat down some fell on the carpet beside me; However I ignored it.

I didn't want to face anyone right now. Anger still boiled up inside me from Tyler. Quite possibly, Josh had a hand in this whole thing as well. Which so meant Josh knew I kind've liked him and-

"You gonna start the thing or what?" Josh asked as a piece of popcorn flew towards my forehead.

Mumbling profanities, I picked up the remote that lay on the table in front of me and started the movie. As the opening credits rolled, I stared a hole into the wall beside the TV. My mind was in a turmoil and I didn't know how to fix it.

When would Tyler have told Josh? I only told him last week about my developing crush. So did that mean Josh was aware of it since then? Tyler wouldn't go behind my back. . . Would he?

My crush may seem unjustified, but I really did like him. We had been friends since high school and he was the sweetest, most shy person I'd ever meant. He always sat with me at lunch, hung out with me after school to help me with work, or just to hang out. Then senior year came and he changed. Josh constantly teased me, poked fun at me. It was completely different.

I stopped thinking and focused on the movie, bringing my eyes to screen so I could distract myself from my horrible ordeal.

Several minutes into the film, I felt a nudging on my leg. I looked up to the culprit and grimaced,

"Josh knock it off," I mumbled before scooting further way from him and his chair. He grunted, not saying anything as if he hadn't annoyed me briefly. I could already tell it was the beginning.

A few moments later, I unfolded a blanket that sat underneath the coffee table in front of me, beginning to cover myself before a hand yanked it away. I snapped my head up to see Josh smugly covering himself.

"Josh," I huffed angrily, "Give it!"

He glanced down to me and shook his head, shoving a finger to his lips to tell me to stop talking. I seethed beneath him before crossing my arms over my chest and pulling my knees up. I'm sure I looked like a three year old throwing a temper: The sight probably made Josh even more smug.

I decided to just ignore him completely and watch the movie. My focus wasn't going to leave the screen until it was over. Josh wasn't going to ruin my night.

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