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Word Count: 1782


Whoops. Late. . .


Josh held my niece in his hands with a grin on his face. She giggled in his arms as he blew a raspberry at her, his bright brown eyes shinning brightly at her laughs.

"He's adorable," My sister spoke up from beside me.

I tucked my arm around my midsection and laughed lightly at her comment. My sister and I had always been very close so when she had called me over tonight my boyfriend and I instantly jumped at the opportunity. Though Josh and I were really looking forward seeing my niece, I still enjoyed quality time with my younger sister.

"He is. I'm glad I have him," I said before sipping my glass of water.

[Y/SN] tucked her legs underneath herself and leaned closer to me on the couch. She had a mischievous smile on her face,

"So," she started, "What about a little one for you two?"

My heart skipped a beat. Josh rolled over onto the floor beside Rose, my niece, and laughed as she began to clamber over him. He had such a large smile on his face and it made me happy to see him like that.

"I- uh," I began to stammer an answer, "I'm not sure. Josh and I haven't really talked about it." I could feel her laugh from beside me and blushed.

Josh and I had brought it up before but we hadn't discussed it in great detail. It was more of a suggestion before being laughed off by the both of us. Granted, that was a year or so ago and now that Rose was in our lives, both of our minds had changed drastically. Josh had always been good with kids, but with my niece he was different. Whenever we were here, it was Josh and Rose. Nothing else caught his interest besides his little buddy and it warmed my heart.

"Well," [Y/SN] said as she walked off to the kitchen, "I don't think it'd hurt to bring it up."

I looked back to Josh and smiled as he held Rose high above his head. He couldn't stop smiling as she squealed and batted her hands at him. Josh glanced to me as I laughed quietly and gave me a different smile. It was warmer and felt more- loving.

He slowly rose to his feet, holding Rose close to his chest and cooing softly to her. Though his eyes were still on me, he listened to her babbling and replied every now and then with little quips of a response.

"Hello my love," I sighed as Josh bent towards me, pressing his lips softly to mine. He gave me that same smile and glance before plopping himself down beside me,

"Hi, baby," Josh greeted as he balanced Rose on her feet so sje could stand on his knees. She began to bounce, her blue eyes traced on her uncle's face with admiration. With a firm grip on her sides, Josh helped keep her balance as I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

I began to smile as she giggled and squealed. Josh 'awwed' from beside me and laughed lightly.

"Is she getting tired?" My sister asked, strolling back into the living room with a warm bottle in hand. I glanced over my shoulder to her and shrugged as Josh tucked her back into his chest. He accepted the bottle from her and slowly wiggled the tip in between her lips.

Rose accepted the bottle, her eyes widening for a moment before falling halfway shut. Her tiny hands grabbed onto the sides of the small bottle and Josh let a soft smile grace his lips.

My sister announced she'd be right back and exited the room, leaving Josh and I to stare at Rose. Soon, her eyes fell shut completely and Josh tensed beside me. He moved her head, holding her closer if it was even possible.

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