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“Thanks for your cooperation gentlemen and welcome to H&M Advertisement.” I bellowed happily as I concluded my presentation to another promising costumer. I scanned the room of chatting men letting my eyes fall on the best looking one present.

Jamal A. Stanton—The youngest black CEO in Corporate America; Co-founder of Treesand Shipping Company; Number seven on the 2013 Forbes list; and the finest brother I’d seen in a very long time.

His warm green eyes looked me over as mine did the same. To say I had the ‘hots’ for him was an understatement. When Raymond announced that I’d be in charge of his advertisement campaign I went insane. Everyone in his company knew about my little school girl crush on him, but I didn’t care because that man was fine.

“I’d like to thank you all again for choosing H&M and I am looking forward to working with you all.” Raymond spoke before dismissing himself and the rest of our team. I, however, stayed to get a word in with some of the men from accounting.  “I need to talk to you.”  A smooth voice demanded from behind me. I whisked around lazily to face Tyrese.

“We have nothing to talk about unless it's about Alexia.” I told him the straightest face. He sighed heavily giving me the impression that he was irritated, but I didn’t care not one bit. I wasn’t about to let Ty dictate my life anymore. I was living for Alana and Alexia, not Tyrese not Raymond, not my parents, not anybody. Things had finally gotten cool between us, but leave it up to Tyrese to put a strain on things. I was serious when I told him that I’d only agreed to be cordial because of Alexia. And for the most part he hadn’t disappointed . He loved her like a father should and they had a beautiful relationship.

I still felt his presence but I had my eyes set on Stanton. I watched him stride through the room, just networking. I knew he felt eyes on him because he slyly scanned the crowd for a lingering gaze, but I was smart. Every time he’d glance I’d be looking off to something or someone else, giving the appearance that I wasn’t eye raping him when in fact I was.

“Alana could you come over here, I’d like to have a word with you.” Raymond called out to me interrupting a very interesting game of Stare at Stanton. I nodded and sauntered over to my boss feeling strange warmth on my body. Someone, somewhere in this room was staring at me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked noticing the frustrated look on his face. He lazily ran a hand over his face.  “Mr. Stanton wants to do a practice shoot with the design team, but we don’t have any ideas ready.” He explained in a hushed tone. A greedy smile appeared on my face, soon spreading to his. “You have an idea don’t you?” He asked getting giddy.

I nodded eagerly and told him to set the meeting up. I watched as he relied the message before slipping out of the room unnoticed. I was feeling pretty good simply because I had the perfect idea for his ad campaign. I guess Raymond had told him to follow me because when I turned around he was standing there, looking quite dapper. I smiled and approached with business in mind.

“Mr. Stanton, Hi I’m Alana Barnes, head of the design team and I would like to go over a few ideas with you, in private if you don’t mind.” I proposed with my best smile. The look in his eyes told me that he took my proposal in a different light, but he’d be in for quite a surprise if he thought I was that kind of girl.

“I would like that.” He replied huskily, his cool minty breath tickling my nostrils. “Well—um follow me to my off-office.” I stammered feeling a bit intimidated under his intense gaze. He smiled a little feeling my nervousness. I silently prayed to God for strength before I entered my office because Lord knows I wanted him to take me down.

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