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“Are you okay baby?” He asked after the vile liquids stopped flowing. I felt like I was going to pass out right there with my head in a toilet full of vomit. I nodded weakly in response to the question posed earlier. I pushed on the toilet trying to stand, but my arms failed—leaving me hunched over the commode.

Arms snaked around my waist and holstered me up into the air. Everything was moving in slow motion as he carried me out off my office and down to his car. I wanted to ask him where we were going but the darkness of taking over my body. I parted my lips to say something but my throat was getting dry.  “Dee-“I was cut off by him lifting me up and carrying me into what smelt like the hospital.

I definitely was going to slap the black off him when I got well again. He knew I despised this place that’s why he kept his mouth shut during the ride over here. Somewhere along the line, I must have passed out because when I woke up again, Deek and Lex were asleep right next to me.

I gazed around the unfamiliar room, noticing that we were still in the hospital. “Baby you alright?” Deek’s raspy voice startled me causing a slight reaction.  “I didn’t mean to scare you baby.” He chuckled shifting Lex to rest on his chest. I smiled at his gestures—he was careful with her, so nurturing. He was a better father to her than her own father had been.

“I need some water.” I whispered snuggling into him. A nurse walked in shortly after with a cup of cool water and some pills. I sat up slowly waiting for her to greet me. She never did.

She was too busy staring at my man. “Excuse me can you take your eyes off my man and focus on your job—you know what can we get another nurse please.” I snapped at her. Females these days had too much boldness for me. It was completely disrespectful to openly gawk at another woman’s man; especially when in her presence.

Deek was laughing at how she stumbled out the room with her ineffective apologies. “It's not fucking funny.” I snapped at him feeling angry for no reason at all. I knew it was wrong to talk to him that way but I just couldn’t control my mouth at this point. I was just so damn angry for some unknown reason.

“Chill out Lan. It wasn’t that serious.” He snapped sitting up with Lex on his lap. I glared at him as he moved cautiously, laying Lex down on the bed next to me. “Don’t tell me to chill out, you chill out!” I fussed folding my arms across my chest in a ghetto manner. He stalked over to me with an evident frown in his face. I wasn’t feeling so bold anymore. I almost cowered in fear seeing him tower over me with so much superiority.

“You better lower your damn voice when you talking to me.” He spoke calmly. His tone made my skin chill. It was a horrifying feeling but I couldn’t get mad at anyone but myself. My mouth had dug a hole to big for me to handle. “I’m sorry.” I muttered lowering my head. I couldn’t stand to see his face.

I felt stupidly ashamed for some reason, like a child who’d just gotten caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I just wanted to curl up and cry. “Lan why you crying?” He asked in a soft tone. I started to shrug my shoulders but I stopped when an excruciating pain shot through my torso. I screeched in agony.

“Whats wrong?” Deek asked sounding nervous. I pressed the nurse button but this time a male doctor came in.  “Are you okay, Mrs. Jamison?” The doctor asked frantically looking me over. I nodded my head but clutched my side as the pain rang again through my body. 

“Tell me what you’re feeling.” The man asked getting in my face. I pushed him back slightly taking deep breath to curve the intense pain. “My side hurts.” I bit out looking towards Deek, who had a scared look on his face. I smiled weakly at him for reassurance. I felt the doctor’s hands roam over my side but didn’t dare look away from my man. I could he wasn’t feeling the way the doctor was fondling me but there was nothing he could do about it.

“Okay, Mrs. Jamison.” The man started. He tone when he said my ‘name’ was sarcastic, as if to say that me being married didn’t matter to him. I rolled my eyes at his blatant disrespect. Rude ass people were the main reason why I didn’t like coming to the hospital.  “Did you know that you were pregnant?” The doctor asked shocking the hell out of me.

I couldn’t be pregnant. That’s impossible. “Umm, I don’t think that’s right. Are you sure you don’t have me confused with some other patient?” I asked. I heard a faint huff come from Deek causing me to snap my head in his direction. He glared at me as if to say ‘stop fucking playing’—so I did.

I partially listened as the doctor explained to me what I already knew about pregnancy. He informed me that I could be released today since there wasn’t anything wrong with me. I was ecstatic about that but at the same time, saddened. I never wanted to be that girl with several baby daddies. I wanted all my children to have the same parents, like I did.

I knew this pregnancy wouldn’t be like the first one. I had a better man, a grown man. “I’m so excited man.” Deek beamed as he pulled up into the parking lot of the pharmacy. I hadn’t realized we weren’t at the hospital anymore. I smiled at him, but it wasn’t genuine. I knew could tell.

“Whats the problem now, Alana?” He questioned sounding a bit irritated. I sighed throwing my hands up in the air.  “I don’t want to go through what I went through before. I always thought I’d be married before I had another child.” I paused to glance at Alexia, still sleeping peacefully.

“I don’t want to go through this alone Dee, promise me you won't leave me.” I begged looking over at him with tears streaming down my face. I was terrified about how much I needed him in my life. I shut my eyes not wanting to see his face.  “I-I’m afraid of how much I need you Dee. S-sometimes I fear that you’ll leave just like—“ I felt hands wrap around my body.

I couldn’t control the tears; they just kept flowing.  “I will never—leave you baby.” He assured me, but he sounded just as unsure as I did. I didn’t want to be unsure. I wanted to be certain that he’d be with me forever. I needed him. He completed me.

“I can’t live without you Dee.” I cried as he held me. “I will always be here, if not physically then spiritually and mentally.” He said looking directly in my eyes. His words stirred something within me—reassurance; happiness; fear.


Part Two of 9X ...Shoutouts to everyone who guessed it. 

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