How You Met

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(that picture amuses me greatly XD)


You sighed as you looked out of your classroom window, tuning out the teacher's lecture in mathematics. Your day had started out as your days usually do, depressing and lonely. You're parents had recently passed away, leaving you with an empty house and dark thoughts. You lost any interest you had in making friends or getting good grades.

Normally you were a pretty sociable person but now you'd just rather not be out in public. You knew every classmate by name but weren't close enough to consider them 'friends'. Your classmates of course noticed your change in demeanor, but most just let you be. Except for one, Yugi Motuo, a kind and optimistic teen.

He was also your crush since the school year started although you hid it well. Truth was, he liked you too but was to shy to do anything about it. So, he settled for simple hellos and discreet glances. Until today, he had noticed before anyone else did that you were not acting your usual self. And he wanted to cheer you up in any way he could.

After the bell for lunch rang, you gathered your things and went to the roof. You settled into your usual spot, a small space out of view of the door with a nice view of Domino city. You sat down and picked at your lunch with a sad sigh. You really wished you had a friend to talk to, someone to cheer you up.

Unbeknownst to you, that wish had been granted. Yugi excused himself from his friends, the 'Friendship Squad', and set about looking for you. It wasn't a big secret that you liked to sit up on the roof so it wasn't that hard to find you. He gave a light knock on the wall you were leaning against, "E-Excuse me, its it alright if I eat lunch with you?"

You looked up, surprised with a light blush dusting your cheeks,"S-Sure, I don't mind."

He thanked you and sat down next to you, giving you that big bright smile you liked so much. "I'm Yugi, by the way."

"Y-Y/N, nice to meet you Yugi." You replied, your spirit in a much better mood.


Yami: (this one's going to be kinda long)

Its the start of the Battle City Tournament and the streets are filled with determined duelists. This includes you the 'Silent Duelist', rightfully named for the way you duel. Since dueling is not only a game of skill and strategy but also of the mind, unnerving your opponent is key to winning any duel. They make big mistakes and begin to panic, making desperate moves that often lead to their downfall. 

You picked up on this during your first duel in the Dueling Kingdom tournament Pegasus previously held. You never made it to his castle due to some unlucky encounter with an eliminator, but you almost had. Now, here in Battle City you were set on making it to the finals this time, though you were not concerned with winning.

You played Duel Monsters because it was fun and thrilling to you and gave you the opportunity to meet new and unique people. You played for the experience. Plus you couldn't deny a part of you wanted to take on the King of Games himself, Yugi Motuo. Or well, the Pharaoh at least, it always amazed you how people never noticed the transformation.

After some digging and eavesdropping you learned the Pharaoh went by Yami in this time. And you had to admit Yami was absurdly attractive, you were secretly one of his fans after all. Granted you'd never admit that to his face. 

Even so you wandered around Battle City looking for worthy duelists to take on, you've already won three locator cards. You make your way to the cafe area and grab something to eat, as you munch away a duel starts up literally right next to you. 'Oh look dinner and a show...'

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