When You Become Friends/Start Hanging Out

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Hey everyone! Hope you liked the first chapter! Here's the second one and I'm trying not to make them very long I swear. This one is definitely going to be much shorter, as I don't really need to specify much. That pick of Yugi has legit got be one of the cutest pictures of him I've ever seen, seriously he's so damn adorable!


You and Yugi had quickly become friends after your encounter on the roof. He was a very insightful and kind boy who cared deeply about his friends. During the times you were with his group you found your depression was almost nonexistent. They got you into Duel Monsters and at first you weren't very good but Yugi offered to give you some tips at his grandfather's game shop after school some days. 

You couldn't have been happier, you always looked forward to seeing your friends at school now and laughing about Joey's current antics. There was never a dull moment in the group and you liked seeing Yugi smile and laugh. He was always so cheerful and bright, reminding you of a a light in the darkness that never went out.

You couldn't deny that during those months you had begun to grow strong feelings for him. Those feelings only grew when you saw the lengths we would go to save his grandpa and his friends. His determination was something you admired about him, besides his cute face.



After the scuffle at the cafe you and Yami hit it off, accompanying each other to the other's duels and making it to the finals. You met his friends and Yugi, surprising them when you said you knew about the puzzle and the Pharaoh. Your first duel was against Yugi/Yami and you couldn't have been happier. 

You finally got to duel the King of Games, a goal you had since Duelist Kingdom. Sadly, you didn't win but you gave the Pharaoh a run for his money. You were just happy to get to the finals and gain new friends, even Seto admitted he was impressed with the duel. After everything that happened on the big ass blimp you continued to hang out with the 'Friendship Squad'. 

Especially since Yami now had his own body thanks to a random enchantment from some girl who knew Bakura. Granted this applied to all spirits from the Millennium Items but you weren't worried. And how could you be when you kept casting glances at Yami's nice ass?



You couldn't believe your luck at how fast you and the Pharaoh became friends in a few short months. Or the fact that he willingly sought you out in his free time, always catching you by surprise. When you told him the condition of your family and town, he couldn't have been more upset at himself.

He never knew that it was like that and set about making life better for your hometown. He was surprised when you said you didn't hold it it against him, after all he had no idea. You didn't remember the last time you had been so happy when you were with him, talking about random things and stargazing. 

You were grateful to him for showing such kindness to a pauper girl like you, someone he had no reason to be so be with. You looked forward to the day you would be able to tell him this but for now you just enjoyed being near him and hearing his voice. Besides teasing the Pharaoh and making him blush was just too much fun.



After the project you two did together, Joey practically dragged you into his group of friends. You were a bit nervous at first, since you had a bit of a temper and liked to punch people. Thankfully, they accepted you easily and no one in their group really got on your nerves. Except Joey. While you happened to like the guy, you usually ended up hitting him at some point in the day.

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