He Asks You Out

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Heya guys, sorry I took so long to update but I was without my laptop charger for a whole month! XD I visited my sister in Colorado (I freaking love the mountains!!) and forgot it there cuz I'm a dumbass. 


These are short yes, but its a test and a sort of placeholder for now. If you would like to see a full version of these next scenarios then Imma gonna need to see some likes peeps and votes! Vote by replying - Extended Version, thou I request. - and if we get ehhh up to 20 or so then I'll get busy.

Otherwise have fun with these for now!


 Yugi – Reader and Yugi are chilling in his room, playing a children's card game. Reader reflects on her feelings for Yugi, blushing and noticing Yugi is nervous. She question's him about it and he adorably admits his feelings, both blush like mad and she glomps him to the floor with a big, happy,


Yami – Takes them on a date to the amusement park, mulling over how to ask Reader out. When he finally asks Reader gets all smartassed and reply's with,

 "I thought we already were? You did ask me out on a date."

Atem – Reader is once again dancing for a party and he pulls her out into the garden. They talk for awhile until he asks her out. She agrees and hugs him, she's called back for another performance and kisses his cheek.

Joey – Is practicing Duel Monsters with Reader, mumbles a thought and doesn't realize it. Reader blushes but doesn't bring it up until they go get food. 

She kisses his cheek saying, "And yes Joey, I will go out with you."

Duke – Asks Reader every week/day to go out with him for a month, eventually he questions her why she won't. 

She laughs, "Because we already are, pretty boy." 

He teases her after he gets over the shock. She slaps him playfully.

Seto – After denying his feelings for a few months he eventually gives in due to his brother's insistence. He asks her out on the roof of her cafe, she although surprised says with a small smile,

"Yes, Seto. I would very much like too."

Marik – After his Yami is separated from his body, he mulls over how Reader has been there for him to help do so and realizes he loves her. He finds her at the docks like usual and works up the nerve to ask her out. 

She starts crying happy tears,"Of course Marik, you have no idea how much it means to hear those words."

Malik – Once separated from Marik's body with his own to inhabit, he realizes his attraction to the Reader but has a hard time understanding what 'love' is. Asks Reader to be his future Queen and she says she'll teach him what it is to be loved.

Bakura – Is not ignorant of what love is but doesn't want to admit he is in love with Reader. When she manages to separate him and Ryou, he all but demands her to go out with him. 

She smirks and replies with, "Well, its about time you asked me, Fluffy."

Ryou – Is unsure how to ask reader out when Bakura is separated from his body, Reader admits her feelings first and begins to walk away. He stops her and admits his own, blushing madly and hugs her when she agrees to go out with him.

Akefia – 'Kidnaps/Rescues' Reader and takes her back to her Oasis, she says she owes him and tells him to let her know how she can repay him later on. He smirks and says she can repay him now by becoming his and his alone.

Aigami/Diva – During DSoD, sees Reader playing with Sera on the Plateau and realizes he wants to see her like that with his own children. When Sera goes to play with Mani, he pulls Reader over to the side and asks her. She grins and kisses his cheek, agreeing without hesitation.

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